So I always go on about the stairs on my walk home, up the massive hill! I took some photo’s to proove there are steps
I came from all the way down there …. you can’t even see the bottom properly!
Up some more we go….
Ohh goody a couple more stairs for good measure…
I counted once there are like 165 stairs, there is an elevator the runs from the bottom to the top that aparently is 66metres high and the hill is proberly around 700 metres from top to bottom when walking. Proberly not really that high but its pretty step and pretty hard going to get up there!
woah. Those are some serious stairs! Good for the butt!
lol they are killer! I walk these then have a 20 min rest then go for a run, If I didn’t walk home I think I would be able to increase the length of the run
Power to you hun! I totally agree that those stairs are likely to be sapping energy for your run. SB (my boyf) has a walk he wants to do once I’m fit enough – going to visit a waterfall that has like a billion stairs LOL.
Thanks lovely! I think I’m gunna mix it up and walk up the road sometimes, see if that zaps less energy! Where is the walk? The stairs aern’t too bad if you take your time, but if your not used to them your butt and legs can hurt for a few days after!