I’m Amanda – a twenty something Kiwi (New Zealander), with a love for moving (keeping active), loving (the life you live and the people you have in it) and eating (mostly healthy foods, with a HUGE sweet tooth). Hence the name of the blog & website being Move Love Eat I am also a qualified Personal Trainer!
I have always enjoyed running and netball, however other exercise eluded me until 2011 when I joined Twitter and met a few lovely ladies with similar goals (at the time; loosing a bit of weight and getting fit). Being a part of this community helped to cement some solid habits and form a love of exercise.
I joined an all-female circuit gym and began running semi-regularly, I didn’t really do too much food wise and managed to drop a little weight but soon began to get very bored with the same routine every day in the gym.
I soon began to realise that if I wanted to make any headway I needed to stop eating the crap I was eating, which was inevitably making me feel very tired and therefore not feel like doing any exercise at night (I have never been a morning person, despite having erratic attempts at trying to be one).
I have since joined a ‘real’ gym and once I got over the dauntingness (yes I know, it’s not a real word, but in this case I think it applies) that comes with not knowing what you’re doing at a gym, I fell in love with working out.
I have found a love of lifting heavy and am officially a powerlifter (something I would’ve laughed at a couple of years back if anyone suggested it!) and know for a FACT that lifting doesn’t make women bulky. With PB’s (Personal Bests, not peanut butter!), of over 2.5x body weight for squat, over 3x body weight for my deadlift and a little over body weight bench press, you can find out more about my Powerlifting Journey Here.
Fast forward to more recent times and I am much more knowledgeable with nutrition side of the healthy living equation (I am a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach) and attempt to tame my wild sweet tooth with clean ingredients rather than processed crap (most of the time!). I am also a qualified Personal Trainer who runs Wanganui Bootcamp with my partner and a Metafit Coach
I lost over 13 Kilo’s and then put a few back on (muscle not fat, one reason why living by the scales sucks – don’t fall into that trap!). I am feeling A LOT more comfortable in my body and am starting to build some muscle, WOOP!
This blog is a wrap up of the things I find amusing, exciting and also downright frustrating in the health, fitness and well-being industry as well as some random musings to do with the things I love in life (travel is near the top of this list, so is living your life to the fullest every day and a splash of personal finance – I am a qualified Chartered Accountant as well).
I love hearing from readers; whether it be to help motivate each other, vent our frustrations or to share our stories so please do comment, like and share our posts both here on the blog and on the various social media websites we are active on or just drop me an e-mail
Please be sure to read our Disclaimer!
Try out Main Course in Beaumont Street for cooking classes. We have a good selection of different cuisines and different chefs. Most of our business is office/corporate groups coming in for team building but we also have scheduled classes for the general public. Hope to see you at our beautiful kitchen soon
Loving your website, wow really amazing! Cheers for the comment on my small blog. Can I link your website from my blog?
Hi Arron, thanks for stopping by and I’d love for you to link to my blog on yours
keep up the running!
Hi and thanks for following my website. I hope you find some low carb healthy recipes you want to try. Let me know if there is anything you would like to see. Great to see another kiwi website on health. Linby x
What an amazing story you have Amanda. And holy crap you do power lifting! That is incredibly cool! I’ve always been afraid of weights, moreso because I don’t know how to use them effectively. I am just blown away by what you can do, good on you for continuing to be an inspiration to your readers
xo Elise
Thank you so much for your lovely words Elise! Don’t be afraid of the weights, they are definitely your friends
Well look at that, I went to a pump class this week and totally LOVED it! The instructor was so lovely! I will definitely be going again!
That’s awesome news Elise!! So glad you enjoyed it and will be returning, but more importantly you got there in the first place which is always the hardest!
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We will be happy to send you a free sample of a product that you would wish to review. We will also give your website a link back in exchange for your review and link to our website.
Please let me know what you think of our offer. Looking forward to your positive response!
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, if you would like to talk further can you please email me with some more details? Moveloveeat@gmail.com
I llove your story and your humour!
i rarely weigh myself but will measure if i want to know how i am doing
Inspiring! Your energy shows in your writing style
Well done on your personal goals. The liftimg is amazing.
With you on the scales thing! Muscle doesnt weigh in at zero
Keep on inspiring you never know who is reading…you are making a difference. Thank you.