What does being strong mean?

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Being strong can mean so many different things, from being mentally strong to being physically strong and everything in between. I think we can all think about someone who is mentally a really strong person as well as someone who is physically very strong.

Mental strength can include the ability to take on a lot without crumbling under the pressure, it can simply be the ability to say no when you have too much on your plate and it can also be the ability to be alone and be okay with that. It’s funny how some people are the type who struggle being by themselves and others thrive on it. There are so many different types of people, which makes us all unique. I personally am the later, while I do love being around people I love I also find it quite tiring when I haven’t had any time to myself in a while.

Physical strength can be measured as someone who is able to do every day activities (moving house anyone?) relatively easily. In the gym it is easy to see those who have physical strength and it’s even easier in the powerlifting world to be able to see who is strong. In fact there is a calculation called a WILKS score which measures the strength of powerlifters against one another which takes into account their body weights.
What does being STRONG mean-

We all have a strength story and we all need to realise how strong we truly are, both mentally and physically. I thought I would share my strength story with you (hang around and check out the video at the end for more inspiration!).

My personal strength story has two sides too it, both mental and physical strength.

My mental strength can in part be demonstrated by the travelling I’ve done alone. I’ve travelled alone on more than one occasion and not only love the thrill of being able to go and do whatever you want, whenever you want whilst seeing new sights. I also love the fact that I have to be independent, if I get lost, it’s up to me to find my way back.If I need food it’s up to me to find the food. Similarly you have to be always thinking ahead when you are travelling, you have to know where you are going to stay, where you are going too next and to organise transport and tours yourself.
What does being strong mean - Mental

My physical strength story is a relatively short book so far. I’ve only been in the gym for around 5 years and only really been focusing on getting stronger for the last couple of years. When I first discovered powerlifting I guess my strength story really began. Seeing people who looked like everyday people, being able to lift 2-3 times their bodyweight was crazy to me and something I wanted to try to do. I’ve now done three competitions and have a goal this year to compete at Nationals.

What does being strong mean?

There are also examples of both physical and mental strength in one, anyone who has ever competed in a Half Marathon, Marathon or even an ultra distance, anyone who has ever done a triathlon or Iron Man or any sort of physical exercise which involves a long length of time. You need to be both physically and mentally strong to be able to power through when the going gets tough.

I know some people who may not be considered to be physically strong however their mental strength is incredible. Mental strength may be the ability to make new friends when you move around a lot, the ability to be independent and not rely on someone else, or even being confident. Being strong is all about defying the challenge ahead and coming out the other side stronger, wiser, braver and more skilled.

I’d love for you to watch the below video and comment below letting me know a time when you needed to defy a challenge ahead and come out the other side stronger.

This post was made possible thanks to Anchor. As usual all opinions are my own.

2 thoughts on “What does being strong mean?

  1. Lovely post Amanda and so true I personally don’t think I am a physically strong person but I think I am quite strong mentally because once I set myself on something I usually finish it especially if it’s a challenge or a competition

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