To lift or not too lift, that is the question! And by lift I mean Powerlift, because just lifting is not a question, it is the answer.
You see, I am toying with the idea of entering a Powerlifting competition in the near future, which kind of scares the crap at of me, while at the same time gets me excited.
When most people think of powerlifting they think of big burly men picking up HUGE weights, and by all means that does appear to be a large portion of the powerlifting world.
However with Crossfit becoming more and more popular and ‘strong is the new skinny’ beginning to get noticed, more and more females are starting to lift heavy as well.
I am a huge advocate of woman lifting, and more specifically woman lifting heavy. I don’t believe enough females recognise the benefits of picking up weights.
I’m not too sure why, but the past few weeks I have been thinking about the possibility of entering a Powerlifting competition. I have found a Nationals competition being held in Taranaki at the start of June which we are going to go and check out so I can see how one is actually run.

The week following that there is a novice competition which when I find out where the damn thing is held (the website nor Facebook page is not helpful!), I am very strongly considering entering.
I have looked at some of the records and recent novice competition results for the different associations and I think I could be reasonably competitive.
Between now and the start of June, I am going to focus on getting my bench press back up and get some PB’s as I haven’t been doing a lot of Bench at all. My deadlift is pretty strong already so I won’t be doing too much on that and I have been testing out my squat the past few weeks and recorded a new PB each week for the last two weeks so I am well on my way with the squat.
So watch this space I guess!
This post has been included in a linkup for #Bloggreatness with the prompt of Tomorrow, it’d be awesome if you checked out some of the other Kiwi Bloggers too!
Awesome go you. I need to up my weights at Crossfit! I have a bit, but need to go more. I need to go to physio though because for some weird reason I really hurt my tailbone squatting?! Google says possibly need to strengthen other muscle groups, so best I check it out. Do keep us posted on this.
Once you’ve got the tailbone checked out and everything is strong, definitely do try to increase the weights. It makes such a difference!! I’m quite nervous about this potential competition now I’ve publicly mentioned it!
OMG yes!! DO IT!!! I have a few friends who do powerlifting and I think it’s great!! I’m also a huge fan of strongman comps (although I haven’t seen a women’s version?!)
I LOVE LIFTING!! Ricky definitely got me into it, and I’ve told him numerous times to get into powerlifting or strongman… I hope he does it one day!
Strength in males and females is something I think is so attractive – and nothing feels better than getting PBs.
Excited to hear if this is something you do end up trying! oxoxo MISS YOU
Miada are having the nationals next month, wish we could make it up too that one!
ALWAYS go heavy, and ALWAYS lift
Go you good thing – you’re amazing! xxx
Awww thanks so much Emma!!