I can’t believe how quickly the months have been speeding by lately. It feels like only a couple of weeks ago I was writing my August Things I Love post! The good news with the months speeding by is that summer is well and truly on it’s way, even if the weather has been trying to prove this wrong the last couple of weeks! We have even discussed camping this summer which is making me super excited for summer to get here!
So first up in my Things I love September list is having lunch in the sun and the fact that summer isn’t too far away. Even though the weather hasn’t been the greatest I have managed to have a few days where I’ve sat outside in the sun and eaten my lunch which is nice and makes me happy for what is to come!
I love how honest Nicola was with her What I ate last week post. Nicola shared everything that passed through her lips over a one week period. I love how she keeps it real by being honest about the occasional treats that she has and that even a Nutritionist enjoys a bit of chocolate every now and again. The moral of the post, everything in moderation, just try to keep the majority of your meals healthy by eating real food!
I eluded to it in my last things I love post, however my reduced hours at work are now official. I am generally working three days per week, with some four day weeks depending on the workflow. I am super excited about this as ever since I left school I have never really had any time off. I didn’t go to university by normal conventions and worked full time while studying full time for a number of years as well as doing a decent amount of travelling around NZ. I felt like I missed out a bit by not getting the uni holidays, however I did win by having money the whole time. Right now I need more time rather than the money as I have a couple of ideas of things I want to do [including making this website bigger and better – as well as my Heels Business which has NOT had anything happening in a long while] but want to do some planning on how [or if] to approach doing them before I push myself into it.
While the Whole 30 brought a whole lot of emotions and opinions I am super glad I finished the Whole thing, something I never thought I would have been able to do. I learnt a number of things about myself and have managed to change some habits. I was also introduced to some great meals that I will continue to use in the future. I would definitely recommend that anyone looking to start a Whole 30 gives it a go, just make sure you’re prepared with good food in the house and you will get through it!
I was super excited that this blog had it’s first birthday during the month. The celebrations are still under way with competitions over on our facebook page. I have a lot of plans for the future of the website and am very excited about it all! Having the time off work is going to prove invaluable in that area. The next year going forward is going to be massive, I can feel it!
Last, but not least. In fact this is currently my favourite of them all – we have booked an overseas trip! It’s not for a wee while yet, in fact it’s next year (February) but I am super excited that we are going to be spending just over a week in Hawaii!! We found that while flights were cheap, accommodation was crazy expensive but have managed to find somewhere where we can rent an apartment for the whole time which is close to the beach, not too far from decent hiking and outlet shopping as well as a supermarket where we can buy some of our food to make at the apartment and save costs!
What are you loving this month?
If you’ve been to Hawaii – please do let me know what we should do!!
Thanks for featuring me in your things you loved this month
Glad you enjoyed my food post. I’m with you on the sunshine thing – we’ve had some beautiful weather and I’ve been eating breakfast outside which has been lovely. Back to wintery weather here today though – boo. Exciting about your holiday!!
Also, wow that’s pretty amazing working full time and studying. A great way to do things – I can’t wait till I’ve paid off my student loan and wished i’d been a bit more financially savvy as a student. Can’t wait to see more about your business.
YAY! Hawaii!!! I’ve just booked a week there in November – keep an eye on my blog for more tips, but here are my tips from last year
Oooh yay, thanks can’t wait for the rest of your tips!! We wanted to go this year but decided it would make life easier if we went next.