March is my Birthday month and there were plenty of things to love. In fact March I was away for every weekend except the last one (the one where I am writing this post!). Whilst I love going away and enjoying events and doing different things, it is nice to have a weekend at home to catch up on life and enjoy some time to relax (and blog!).
Read on to find out the Things I Loved in March 2017!
// Final Day at Work
Possibly the most exciting thing that happened in March is that I had my final day at my office job! You may recall that last month I loved that I had resigned from my job, well having my final day was possibly even better! Onwards and upwards to newer and better things, learning new skills and feeling like I am being useful.
// Bench Press Competition
Near the start of the month I competed in my first ever Bench Press only competition! Something I never imagined that I would do given my bench struggles. I haven’t yet written my recap on this event, but it will be one of the next posts I write.
// Round the Vines
A group of 17 Bootcampers took over Martinborough for Round the Vines We had an awesome weekend and thoroughly enjoyed the event. I’ve written a recap of the event including all the things I loved about it here.
// Squat Gains
This month I got to play around with reverse bands and high bar squats (something I haven’t done since Nationals in August last year). Reverse bands are super weird, but it’s cool to be able to have such a heavy weight on your back! High bar squats are killer and feel so much heavier than low bar, but I got a new high bar PB this month which was pretty cool.
// Currently Reading
I’m currently reading Better than Before by Gretchin Rubin. About 4-5 years ago I read her book ‘The Happiness Project‘ and really enjoyed it so I thought I would give this newer book a go. I have been finding it a little bit harder to read than The Happiness Project so I’ve slowed down a little, but so far it is really interesting.
// Scent of the Month
This month I’ve chosen something a little different as my scent of the month. Pistachio Ice Cream Scentsy Bar – um yes please! Pistachio cream and coconut garnish vanilla meringue. This scent sounds amazing! I actually just set my warmer up in our office, I may have to get this scent next!
// Warmer of the Month
When I first saw the etched copper warmer in the catalogue I’ll admit, I didn’t think much of it. But when I first saw it in real life I fell in love with it and have loved it ever since! It’s Finely ribbed texture finished in a brilliant copper colour will catch eyes from any angle.
// Looking forward to
There are heaps of things I am looking forward too in April! For starters, I’ve been training towards Central Districts Champs all year so I’m looking forward to that at the end of the month. We have also organised a small Push, Pull competition for our Barbell participants and one of our bootcampers has organised a bush walk close to home. I’m also looking forward to the Easter break as well!
What things have you been loving in March?? What are you looking forward too in April?
March has been a huge month for me. I was pushed to my limits physically and mentally and found out yet again how strong I am (and how strong my relationship is). My family also had a great trip to Sydney and it made me so happy to hang out with my brother for the first time in a while and see the Little Mister (5) absolutely light up around his uncle. It was also awesome to see Sydney (a place I’ve been to so many times) through fresh 5 year old eyes.
April is my birthday month and I also have strong, happy memories of Easters as a kid. I can’t wait to feel my annual April excitement!