Things I Love – June Edition

I have started doing a bit of a round up of things I love each month, they may be items I have tried, made, experiences I have had or other cool things I have found around the internet or on my travels in that particular month. I’d love to know if you love any of the same things or have any suggestions for things you think I might like to try, just pop your comment at the end of this post 🙂

Things I Love - June Collage I

 From left to right we have the following (you can read about why I love them below)

  • My strength has been improving a lot. 
  • Amazeballs 
  • Long Workout tights 
  • Clean Snickers Cups
  • Beautiful New Zealand
  • #LaptopClub
  • Russell Hobbs Express Chef Digital Multi Cooker

Last month was the first month I undertook this round up with my aptly named Things I Love – May Edition. So now lets head into the details of the Things I Love – June Edition (AKA why I love these things!):


After a couple of days trying on leggings and tights which when squatting in front of the mirror I could see my delicates I settled on the longer version of the pair I raved about in my Things I Love – May Edition. I was after a pair of long workout pants that were not black so I ended up with a dark grey, technically they are 7/8ths but as I am a shorty I can get away with them being longs 😉 These ones, like the shorter ones are from Cotton On

Clean Snickers Cups Recipe I

The recipe I have fallen for the most this month is the Snickers Cups that I made. I love how easy these are to make and how surprisingly super sweet they were considering they are made from clean ingredients. I also love how you can change the sweetener in the recipe to fit your own dietary requirements, these can then be paleo (sub for almond butter and almonds) and vegan as well as being clean. Excuse me I need to mop up my drool…


On another foodie note I tried a selection of Amazeballs from SnackPack, I am loving the fact that there are businesses like SnackPack out there who are creating healthy treats for people who are too busy to make them themselves, or who just don’t want to get in the kitchen and do it themselves.  The Amazeballs are made from all natural ingredients with no preservatives and the business model is based on a weekly delivery system. Sign up to receive your snack pack of amazeballs (or other products) delivered to your door each week – how easy it that? I enjoyed the ginger crunch amazeballs quite a bit as they were very different to anything I’ve made at home before. 

Hakarimata Lookout

New Zealand – Yep I always love New Zealand but this month I am crushing even more than usual! Seriously we live in an amazing country where we can travel just outside of the cities and be in the bush and be at one with nature, you are never far from a beach and even in the hustle and bustle of Auckland you can find spots of paradise where you can sit amongst the trees.  We located the Hakarimata Lookout walk and the many stairs that take you to the top to find the amazing view above. 


As much as I’m not a fan of it being dark when we wake up in the morning and dark before I get home (and I live just around the corner from my work – it feels so wrong!) I do enjoy that it feels more right to have the crock pot turn on during the day and cook our dinner for us than it would in summer.

Dinner ready and the apartment warmed up, what more could you want?! I have been lusting after the newly released Russell Hobbs Express Chef Digital Multi Cooker which can sauté, slow cook, steam, roast, bake and deep fry. Okay so I wouldn’t use the latter but hello coming home to a roast chicken would be awesome! It automatically keeps your food warm when it’s finished cooking which is the icing on the cake! RRP is $299.99 if it’s something you might be interested in you can more information through the Russell Hobbs website


On another workout note I am loving how much my strength has been improving. I have been hitting some PB’s (Personal Best’s) lately and my most exciting one so far is being able to deadlift over twice my body weight. I will spare you the full video for now as the facials I made were pretty awesome and I think just the picture should suffice. 


I went to the inaugural #laptopclub earlier this month. #laptopclub is a get together of local bloggers to discuss anything blog related. This month was an informal gathering where there were about 10 or so female bloggers with a few varying questions on ways to improve their blogging.  The food and company were both awesome and I learnt quite a few little bits and pieces that should definitely help with my blogging. Shoutouts go out to Laura for answering our questions and Maddy for the amazing food. I’d also like to give a special shoutout to the sponsors the girls managed to secure for the event; #anathothfarm and #harneyandsons – the Lemon curd from Anathoth Farm is awesome (keep an eye out for a recipe over the coming weeks using this!) and I loved the English Breakfast from Harney and Sons

What things have you been loving this month? 


8 thoughts on “Things I Love – June Edition

  1. I tried the Amazeballs when we got a sample at a Clean Eating evening. Quite nice, although I don’t know how I like Protein Powder in them (although they didn’t all have it as an ingredient). I have so many healthy ‘ball’ recipes to try…might dig my food processor out this weekend and make a few.

    Loving at the moment……..chicken meatballs in a tomato sauce with Parmesan. BEST. THING. EVER.

    1. Definitely try making some, even if it’s just nut and dates they are pretty tasty! I’ve got a recipe for chocolate mint bliss balls on the blog which are really tasty and don’t use protein powder.

      Oh my the chicken meatballs sound awesome!!

  2. LOVED this post!
    First of all, CONGRATS on hitting PBs!!! That’s so awesome!! Definitely the best thing about training. I actually did Leg Day today and did the most reps I’ve ever done on the Hack Squat machine (man I hate that thing!) – felt so good! 😀
    Man #laptopclub was so good. My boyfriend is so obsessed with the relish and chow chow that we got in the goodie bags! Are you going to be at #bloggersbrunchclub on Sunday??

    1. Thanks!
      Yay for doing heaps of reps on the hack squat – I LOVE that machine lol! We don’t have one at our gym up here, every time I go back to Wanganui and train at the gym down there again I use it heaps!

      #laptopclub was awesome, I can’t wait for the next one, I’m so excited to get my blog all sorted and kick it up a gear, I’m working on getting some more time so I can really work on it 🙂 I LOVE the lemon curd the most and the b/f is loving the relish as well!

      Yup I will be there 🙂

  3. The PBs are pretty awesome – good on ya!

    Boo – I won’t be at the bloggers brunch this week. One year ago on that day I was a few hours off having a human pop out of me and strangely enough we celebrate it by giving HER the cake. What?? Where’s MY cake?? I’ll look forward to the next brunch.

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