Each month I do a quick round up of some of the things I have been loving for the month. They may be items I have tried, made, experiences I have had or other cool things I have found around the internet or on my travels in that particular month.
I’d love to know if you love any of the same things or have any suggestions for things you think I might like to try, just pop your comment at the end of this post. I love hearing from readers.
This Month in no particular order I have been loving:
- Auckland Libraries Digital Downloads (aka FREE Magazines!)
- Red Seals’ Red Bush & Mi Chai Teas
- Getting my Cardio outdoors
- Salmon
- Snickers Slice Recipe
- Gorgeous Meal Planners
I need to make some more ME time so I can sit down for a couple of hours an indulge in all the FREE magazines (Yes FREE!!) I’ve downloaded to my ipad (you can get them on your desktop computer also) from Auckland libraries digital downloads. You need to be an Auckland Libraries member (actually I’m not even certain if you have to be a member – if your a non Aucklander do try it and let me know, if not it’s free to do so if you live in Auckland) and create a Zinio account where you can then download any magazine they have available – they have over 600 or something crazy so no doubt you will be able to find one or two to tickle your fancy.
I have been loving tea’s for a while now and even wrote a blog post on some tea’s I love a while back and the Mi Chai featured there as well! At the moment I’m really loving the Red Seal Mi Chai (I’ve been buying it for ages as I love it!) & have recently been sent the Red Seal Red Bush Tea to trial as well which is also awesome, especially with a couple of drops of lemon juice! I’ve heard its fantastic with lemon juice and a touch of honey also. When hunting out the images (both from the Red Seal website) for this post I discovered Red Seal does a Red Bush Chai (Oh my, I need to try that!!)
I have been loving get in my cardio workouts outdoors. We went for a Mountain Bike ride out at Woodhill forest one weekend which was lovely as well. We have also been for a couple of walks on the weekend just to get outdoors. I love getting out and about and enjoying all that New Zealand has to offer, I can’t wait for summer when the weather behaves a bit better for us!
I had never even tried Salmon until maybe two years ago. What the?! I still don’t like it raw but I love it when it’s cooked and will often go for this option if it’s available and I’m eating brunch foods, or lunch if it’s something like sushi or another Japanese style dish. We had a New Years ‘Resolution’ to eat more fish and vegetables so we have been having Salmon at least once per week, generally twice per week.
I really need to try this Snickers Slice from Emma at Embracing it (she shared her recipe for her Snickers Bliss Balls with us in her Inspiring People Interview and they looked amazing, this slice has possibly knocked those bliss balls right out of my mind though!) I have a long list of things I want to make but my waist line limits this to 1-2 things per weekend. This Snickers Slice is right near the top of the list!
Check out these Gorgeous Meal Planners from Kate at Lovingly Kate, they come in four different colours so you can choose your shade of awesome. I spoke about the importance of food preparation a while back and these pretty meal planners will definitely help you out with that! – Sidenote – If you are viewing this on my website you may notice the pretty new header up there ^ and new logo’s on my social media platforms which are courtesy of Kate!!
What have you been loving this month?
Okay, so I love the food planners…..just downloaded the pink one now.
I love raw Salmon actually I love most of my fish raw
What am I loving this week…..fresh lemons and new my shiny new Pandora Charms. Because you know…it’s all about me.
I have decided that I want to be more into salmon too. I am never really confident with cooking seafood myself but I am hoping I will learn
I can’t cook any seafood other than salmon really, it’s not hard which surprised me. I literally put it in a frying pan on low-medium heat then leave it until it changes colour and is cooked, sometimes I’ll flip it halfway through like a steak so the top gets a bit crispy.
I need to get onto this.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
*runs away to do this immediately*
Did you get it sorted? I love having this, although don’t set aside enough time to read them at the moment!