January has flown by and we are into February. I’ve got my fingers crossed that February brings us the summer we haven’t yet had!
Despite the ridiculous amount of wind we have had in this area of the country there have still been a tonne of things I loved this month! Here are few of the things I loved in January 2017!
// Month off work
One of the best things about January for me personally was having the month off work! I officially started back for the year on the 30th January, however had most of the month off and it was great! We started back at Bootcamp on the 16th January but still managed to get a bit of stuff around the house which was nice.
// Bench Press
Bench Press has been the lift that has always frustrated me! I haven’t had a PB since April 2016 and it’s been doing my head in. I’ve been working really hard on my technique and things are finally starting to click! I’ve been feeling a lot stronger and more confident in this lift which is fantastic news!
// Sam’s Wedding
My lovely friend Sam got hitched near the end of January! We made the trip up to Warkworth to attend the wedding. We were honoured to have been invited to the wedding and were stoked to share the afternoon with the happy couple. A lovely low key wedding with just the right amount of traditional touches (IMO!).
// Nuzest Clean Lean Protein Powder
I was sent some samples of the Nuzest Clean Lean Protein Powder to give a taste test. I’d never tried a non-dairy protein before and was a little bit nervous about trying it! There was nothing to be nervous about though, they are a little bit grainy compared to other protein powders and definitely not as sweet because they do not contain a bunch of artificial sweeteners but I really enjoyed the Strawberry flavour!
// Highland Games
If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen a couple of posts about the Highland games which were held in Turakina at the end of January. Kyle had been wanting to check out the games for the last couple of years, however we had always been away the weekend it was on. We happened to be home the weekend it was on this year so went and checked it out and entered some of the field events. It was heaps of fun, despite not really enjoying bagpipes
// House & Office
Originally we were going to go camping for a little bit in January, however we had a couple of large house projects which needed to be done so we decided not to go camping (probably a good thing, given the weather we have had!). We managed to paint the whole outside of our house and complete our office which is awesome as it means we will have our dining room table and hallway cupboards back!
// Bridge to Nowhere
At the start of the month I went to the Bridge to Nowhere with my dad. I had already been once a few years before, however it was a lovely trip to redo. The Bridge to Nowhere is right on our back doorstep in the Whanganui National Park. It takes almost an hour to drive in to where the jet boats take you to Mangapura Landing where you then walk for approximately 30 minutes into the Bridge to Nowhere.
// Warmer of the Month
I’m still loving the starling warmer, it’s understated so would suit most homes but looks absolutely beautiful when turned on and lit up as well! February happens to be transition month so there is 10% off everything to make way for some of the new products which will be released in March!
// Things I’ve Read
I’ve managed to read quite a few books while having the month off work which has been really good. I’ve just spent a bit of time each night before bed to read a few chapters and have really enjoyed it. A highlight was definitely the Get your Sh*t together book by Sarah Knight, I read it within three days!
What did you love in January 2017??