I have started doing a bit of a round up of things I love each month, they may be items I have tried, made, experiences I have had or other cool things I have found around the internet or on my travels in that particular month. I’d love to know if you love any of the same things or have any suggestions for things you think I might like to try, just pop your comment at the end of this post
First of all I’ve had some excitement on the blog this month! I have a new header, new social media icons and a cool little pattern which shows what Move Love Eat is all about. I have Kate from Lovingly Kate to thank for the new design. If you ever need any design work definitely keep her in mind as she was super easy to work with and did a fantastic job with the little information I gave her of what I wanted!
When I started the Whole 30 earlier this month I knew I wanted to get some Almond Butter to try as Peanut Butter is off the menu. Peanuts are actually legumes and not nuts (there’s a bit of trivia for you!). Almond Butter is pricey which is the reason why I haven’t brought it in the past but oh my goodness I don’t know why I waited so long to try it! I picked up a jar of the Ceres Natural Almond Butter which is liquid gold! I kid you not that stuff is amazing, you need to try it! My favourite way to have it is to dip a date in the Almond Butter and enjoy, or just straight off the teaspoon works pretty well too!
I have been doing a lot of thinking about life, what I want from it and how I can carve my ideal life. When I say I have been doing a lot of thinking I have been thinking for about 8-9 months so it’s not something I’ve just thought about overnight. One of the things I need to do to allow me to carve this life is to get more time! Well since we all have 24 hours in a day that isn’t really possible. What is possible however is reducing some of the time doing the things that aren’t tracking me towards where I want to be (or not as much as some other projects). I am officially in discussions with my employer regarding part time hours which if it all works out should be a win-win for all involved and will definitely give me more time to focus on some of the things I want to do. I think having part time hours will help me be more focused in the hours I am there as I can fully focus on that and not have other things in the back of my mind that I wish I could be doing as I will have allocated time to devote to those projects on my days off.
These Raspberry Baby Muffins from Sweet as Honey look amazing! I love little muffins made in mini muffin pans. I would try these with strawberries as I’m weird and they are the only berries I like – solely because of the seeds in other berries. I love that they are refined sugar free, in fact the sweetness comes solely from the berries and vanilla paste!
On another food related note (I think the majority of my things I love are food related!), I have been enjoying trying a few different savoury recipes while doing my first Whole 30. While this paleo KFC recipe from Make Upper is not stipulated as being Whole 30 compliant I knew that a lot of savoury paleo foods are compliant so checked out the ingredient list. Yep Paleo KFC Chicken that is Whole 30 compliant! I mixed it up a little to use the ingredients I had on hand and swapped the thyme for mixed herbs and added the optional chilli powder. Next time I wouldn’t use as much chilli powder, I used about 1/3 teaspoon and it was a bit hot for me, but I’m a wuss with hot foods!
What have you been loving this month?
OMG thank you for featuring the Paleo KFC Recipe! <3 So glad you liked it, and love how you changed it up to suit what you had on hand.
Camille is obsessed with that Almond Butter btw, and even I have to admit that it's awesome.
I hope the whole part time hours thing works out for you, I think it would definitely help you get time for the other things you want to do – and if it can work financially for you too, then that's a bonus!
No worries, hope some other people try it too as it is tasty!
Almond butter is so damn good, just not good on the bank a/c!
I totally hope it works out as well, I won’t have any spare cash at all but would rather the spare time to work on projects to make me $

Yes, it’s so darn expensive. I really want to try making my own. And we have a bazillion macadamia nut trees on the orchard, so I was thinking of trying to make macadamia nut butter – we’ll see how that plays out! Hahaha
I feel you on the “no spare cash” front. It ain’t easy – but honestly it’s great for the soul. I feel like I have no money at the moment, but can’t remember ever being as happy as I am now!
Oooh yum, definitely try making macadamia butter that would be so good! So jealous you have nut tree’s! I always joke with my partner that we need an orchard and too have nut trees and avocado trees!
OH YUM that KFC Chicken sounds great! Maybe slighty SWYPO but hey, if you don’t have an issue with chicken (I don’t) then it’s all good!
I love your new blog design too – very you! Fingers crossed the part-time works out too, that’s my dream also…one day!
Let me know if you give it a try it is tasty. I have no issues with chicken either which is good! My issues are all sugar related
Thanks, glad you like it! Still got a lot of work to do on the theme but I’m so happy with the logos!