Whilst I headed this post up: The Life List is shrinking, in reality it is growing at the same time while I think of new things I really want to add – yet they haven’t quiet made it to the Bucket List page (but they will!).
#31 on the Bucket List was to have an apartment in a biggish city, boom tick!
Renting is fine by me and was all the intention of the bucket list ever was.
So how is it going?
Awesome, I love being so close to work and the gym as well as town. It’s nice being able to pop home for lunch and not have the long hike home after the gym at night. It’s also nice to have OUR space and a bit of extra room is also awesome.
While we are at it I can also cross off #20 own a BMW, half owning is fine by me!
I knew once I finished studying I could focus a bit more and start knocking off some of these things I’ve always wanted to do, already this year I have managed to knock out a few of them.
2012 for me was a year of finishing off what I started (The study and CA) and making some tough decisions about the future, both of which I accomplished and came out a better person for doing.
2013 has been about discovering what it is that I really love and what I want to do for the next few years, while I’m not 100% sure of what life will be like in say 5-10 years I can say I am making headway in sorting through the thoughts of what my ideal life would be like. I have always known that I don’t want to work for someone else all my life and this is still at the forefront of my mind and will have a bearing on any decisions I ultimately make.
I get the feeling that 2014 will be an exciting yet scary year, as they say change is as good as a holiday and we know I’ve had plenty of change lately, yet no holidays
Have you managed to cross anything off your life list this year?