I first saw the Taking Stock posts over on Laura’s blog and thought they were a great idea as I love taking some time out to reflect and what better time to do that than as we are nearing the 6th month of the year – seriously guys!
I will look back at my goals I set at the start of the year in the coming month as well too see if I am on track to meet them or not.
So here we go, a list of things I am currently taking stock of:
Making: Scentsy wax samples – I would like to start making scrapbooks again though but we just don’t have the space to do it at the moment.
Cooking: Chicken Breast and Vegetables because it’s quick, easy, yummy and healthy.
Drinking: Water, Water and some herbal teas.
Reading: Rushing Women’s Syndrome by Dr Libby but I just got two new books which are in the queue – including The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results.
Playing: I don’t really play games but I have been having a go at Candy Crush
Deciding: On where to book our next little trip!
Waiting: For the Entourage movie to come out!
Smelling: My Scentsy Scents! Aussie Plum is making our house smell like a plum danish according to my dad.
Wearing: Gym clothes and dresses with stockings and boots for work.
Noticing: That adults often seem to push children into doing exercises like team sports and fun runs but avoid doing them themselves #hmmm
Admiring: Anybody who has the will power and determination to enter a body building competition. How the heck do they get that low body fat without wanting to kill someone is beyond me!
Sorting: out our bootcamp intakes for the rest of the year and start of next year – it’s super weird thinking about January 2016!
Buying: Frooze Balls and Honest Food Co Protein bars to help get me through my 6 week sugar free challenge.
Disliking: Working too much! I am ready to go back to part time hours for my office job! But the extra pay is nice!
Feeling: Grateful!
Snacking: On Frooze Balls, it made my month when I discovered our local pak n save had started stocking them!
Coveting: A trip to somewhere warm!
Wishing: For a long weekend, not too long to go until Queens Birthday!!
Helping: Our Bootcampers to push themselves!
Hearing: Rock my run mixes playing at Bootcamp and during work when I remember my ipod.
Let me know your answer to at least one of the above….
So what is a Frooze ball?
Ooh frooze balls are bliss balls made from just nuts and dried fruit and a little coconut and they are so good! You can make them at home but you can buy these ones in the supermarket which is super convenient!
I was about to ask the same question! I love the name and they sound delish!
Frooze balls are delicious.
Right now I am admiring your blog, and reading the 4th book in the game of thrones series
I am admiring people who can do bootcamp every single day. I did 5-days a week for 4 weeks but am moving to 3 days a week now!
I think 5 days a week of bootcamp is prob a bit much for most people! Our current bootcamp is only three days per week which I think is a good amount of time as it leaves a day free to go for a walk or run or play sport and still have some rest days
Always a good idea to take stock and see how goals are going. I wish I could be better about exercise but could do 3 days a week. Good for you also for going sugar free for 6 weeks!
Three days a week is enough exercise, the nutrition is the biggest part of the battle
Omg Camille is obsessed with Frooze balls!!
At the moment I’m admiring everyone else who’s doing Junk Free June! I’ve been pretty sweet so far – but I can see why some are finding it so hard. It’s so easy to reach for junk food, it’s much harder to actually find something healthy to eat!
we had plenty of time last week to reflect while we were limited on wifi and the internet was super slow. it made me realize that i am so much more productive and rested when i am not always online! i have never tried scentsy, but i keep seeing it everywhere online now. and every now and then i get on candy crush too haha
I really like this! You’ve got me thinking now, might have to do some taking stock myself. Sounds like you’re making the most of the year so far. Cheers.