A couple of months back I looked at the workflow planner at work and saw the shit storm that was coming in the way of work, deadlines and no time to wrap files up (welcome to the life of an auditor in a big city I guess) and knew that too make it through I needed a bit of a break to look forward too.
After a quick discussion with the b/f I put in my leave form for three glorious days off to make a five day weekend. It coincided with the weekend (well Monday technically) of both my b/f and dads birthdays (yep they are on the same day – I definitely wouldn’t be popular if I forgot that day!) so we decided it would be nice to take a five day weekend and head back down to Wanganui for the weekend to see my family, friends and just enjoy a getaway from Auckland really.
On the way back we planned to stop in to Hamilton to catch up with the b/f’s family so he could see them for his birthday as well and then spend a nice relaxing Tuesday at home doing all the boring things we didn’t end up doing over the weekend since we were out of town, ie. grocery shopping and making sure we have clean underwear for the week ahead.
Taking three days off to make a five day long weekend was the best idea I’ve had in a while as it really gave me something to look forward too and start counting down the weeks.
The fact that we took a Friday, Monday and Tuesday off work meant that we had a four day work week and now a three day work week ahead so we had two short weeks in a month which certainly does make the month go faster.
I don’t think I’ve really taken time off work with no real plans in mind (ie. a holiday!), so it was nice to really have no plans other than eventually catching up with everyone back in Wanganui and chilling when we got back home.
I often find that when we do have a long weekend we make so many plans that the time is gone before we know it and it feels like we didn’t even have any time off work. Sometimes it’s just nice not to have anything really planned, or to plan some ME time.
I’ll do another post about what we got up to (or the food we ate at least!) later in the week – or maybe just some instagram updates. For now I’m enjoying my last day off of this 5 day long weekend, hope your enjoying work
Do you take long weekends often? Do you cram as much as you can into your long weekends or plan nothing?