Stock a Smarter Kitchen [Packaged Goods for a Healthier You] + WIN

It has been said many times before that to live a healthier lifestyle you should ditch all packaged and processed foods. While I agree with ditching processed foods and that there are a high proportion of packaged foods which are quite literally ‘rubbish’ for you, there are actually a bunch of packaged goods which you SHOULD be stocking in your kitchen which are great for a healthy lifestyle!

Today I wanted to showcase the packaged goods which you should have on hand for a smarter kitchen which will have you (and your family) reaching for yummy and healthy foods when you are feeling hungry!

I have split the packaged goods into 5 different categories – Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Fridge & Pantry. While this is not an exhaustive list this list should definitely help you stock a smarter kitchen!

Stock a smarter kitchen - packaged goods for a healthier you. Move Love Eat, Health & Fitness Blog

// Can or Packaged Meat
Whether you fancy tinned tuna or tinned chicken, or even the Tegal meal makers you can get in the fridge section having some easy meat on hand for protein always make a nice easy meal.
//Tinned Beans
Tinned beans are great for things like homemade Nacho’s or to bulk up a crockpot meal and add in extra protein. They are also a good source of protein for vegetarians.
// Greek Yoghurt Sachets
If you don’t have a yoghurt maker then you should do! Check out the Hansells Yoghurt maker which comes with two handy 500ml containers and be sure to purchase plain unsweetened greek yoghurt sachets for your lowest sugar option to have on hand.
// Protein Powder
Find a protein powder you like and suits your budget and keep some on hand for those times when you really want a sweet drink or you need something to bridge the gap between meals.

Stock a smarter kitchen


// Rice
Rice is always a nice easy option for dinner, whether you love or hate brown or white rice choose which ever is going to work for you!
// Quinoa
If you like quinoa and it’s within your budget then it’s another handy option to have in the pantry for an easy meal.
// CousCous
Couscous has to be one of the quickest carbohydrates ever, seriously! Boil the jug, pour over the couscous with a little stock powder and within a couple of minutes you’ll be eating!
// Real Foods Rice Thins
I’ve been enjoying the real food rice thins lately with some marmite and a little bit of cheese on top, they are also great with a bit of peanut butter or just by themselves when you want a little bit of crunch.
// Oats
Plain oats make a great breakfast or snack, especially as they are very low sugar. I will often have oats and protein powder for a quick, easy and healthy breakfast too.
// Low Sugar Muesli
I have recently tried the sanitarium options muesli which is a great low sugar option for those who want a little something extra when it comes to breakfast other than oats.
//Dried Dates
Dried dates are a must have in my pantry because you can sweeten so many things with them, and they are tasty dipped in peanut butter for a quick snack too. Try making some bliss balls with them!

Stock a smarter kitchen


// Nuts
Choose the type of nuts you enjoy and the ones that fit your budget, they aren’t super cheap but they are a great source of fat and combined with dried dates make a super easy bliss ball for snacks.
// Nut Butter
We always have peanut butter on hand, as much as I’d love to always have almond butter on hand the price does stop me. Choose what you enjoy and try to keep to a no added salt or sugar variety.
// Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is my go to in baking, especially when I need the goods to harden slightly once made as coconut oil hardens when it is cold. You can buy Blue Coconut coconut oil in the supermarkets which is great not having to go to a speciality store.

Stock a smarter kitchen


// Hummus
Hummus is great to have on hand (either home made or purchased) as sometimes you just feel like something to dip you carrots in or to spread on your corn thins. Find one with only a few ingredients.
// Frozen Berries
Frozen berries are fantastic to have in the fridge or freezer for those times when you want a smoothie or to add to frozen bananas to make homemade ‘ice cream’.
// Frozen Vege
I’ve mentioned before that we go through a lot of frozen vegetables, sometimes it’s a pain in the butt to use fresh vegetables and frozen just makes your life easier.
//Crushed Garlic
We put crushed garlic on our chicken frequently and it’s great to be able to just throw a tiny little bit on and it transforms the meal into something awesome!
//Egg Whites
Okay egg whites are not a necessity but they can be handy to have in the fridge to add with whole eggs in meals or to add to smoothies if that’s your thing.

Stock a smarter kitchen


// Herbs
Herbs can really transform a dish, you can either buy dried herbs or try something like the Gourmet Garden lightly dried range. The herbs you require will differ depending on your tastes.
We always have paprika, tumeric, curry powder and cumin on hand but you can go with whatever you use. Just like garlic, spices can really transform a dish.
// Oatcakes
Nairns oatcakes are another nice packaged option to have, they are a low sugar option for when you just feel like a little snack that is low in sugar.
// Vanilla Extract
Queen has come out with a new range of vanilla products including the madagascan vanilla extract which just lifts items like bliss ball so is always nice to have in the pantry.
// Seeds
Pumpkin, Sunflower, Chia – whatever type of seeds you like and enjoy. I’m personally not a chia fan but you can make heaps of yummy sounding deserts and breakfasts with them and the other seeds are great for making homemade granola go further (and seeds are cheaper than nuts)
//Herbal Teas
I find herbal teas fantastic for when I get that sweet craving in the afternoon, they are also great when you feel hungry but know you are really just thirsty but you really would rather not have a glass of water.
// Tinned Tomato
Tinned tomatoes are a blessing when it comes to crockpot meals, throw in some meat a tin of tomatoes and some herbs, bulk up with some tinned beans if you feel the need and then cook some rice/quinoa or couscous to go with it – easy dinner!

Stock a smarter kitchen - prize

We have two packages of goodies to give away thanks to the following companies:

Real Food Rice Thins / Colmans / Blue Coconut Coconut Oil / Nairns Oatcakes /  Sanitarium / Queen / Go SuperFood

Each package includes the following:
1 Yoga Mat
2 Sanitarium Options Muesli (one of each flavour!)
Colmans Mustard Powder
5 Packs of Real Food Rice Thins

And Either:

Nairns Oatcake Pack & 400g Tub of Blue Coconut Coconut Oil OR Go SuperFood Chia Seeds & Queen Vanilla Extract

To be in to win simply comment below and let me know if you’d prefer the prize with Nairns Oatcakes & Blue Coconut Coconut Oil or Go SuperFood Chia Seeds & Queen Vanilla Extract

Competition closes 8th November 8pm


89 thoughts on “Stock a Smarter Kitchen [Packaged Goods for a Healthier You] + WIN

  1. That’s a great list. I’m definitely going to try some of these ideas. I’d like to try the oatcakes. I love oats for breakfast especially, although I do put cream on them if we have it. I know this is bad.

  2. Great post! It’s hard to stay away from convenience foods when we’re all so busy. I would love to win the prize pack with the chia seeds and vanilla extract please! Thanks!

  3. Good roundup, Amanda. I think the only things we don’t have at home are egg whites and protein powder so we must be doing alright! I would love to try the chia seeds -I just read a about a lovely chia seed pudding recipe!

  4. I’d love the chia seeds and vanilla extract. I’ve been making overnight chia seed puddings with a bit of vanilla extract and then whizzing them up in the morning to a smooth paste. It’s delicious and I had some nuts, seeds and fruits to it to make it extra yummy. No extra sugar and so easy to eat at my desk in the mornings (it’s super filling and normally takes me around 45 minutes to finish it all).

  5. Great post! I’ve been eating oats with protein powder and some frozen berries on top in the mornings and it works a treat!

    I love the look of the oatcakes!

  6. I’d love to win the prize with the Go SuperFood Chia Seeds & Queen Vanilla Extract please!

  7. Good post, I’d love to win the chia seeds and vanilla extract please. I made a chia and raspberry pudding the other night and even the kids ate it, love getting wholesome food into teenagers!!

  8. I’m thoroughly enjoying your posts Amanda! I would love to try these oatcakes. Keep sharing your knowledge , it helps a lot – thanks.

  9. Enjoyed the read, it is a shame that almond butter is so expensive, but it is nice. Nairns Oatcakes & Blue Coconut Coconut Oil prize would be my choice. Again thanks for the read. Eddy

  10. Nairns Oatcakes & Blue Coconut Coconut Oil would be amazing plz Im really enjoying baking and cooking with Coconut Oil Im even trying recipes with no sugar butter or eggs and so far a few successes and the family have given some great feedback

  11. Awesome blog
    I would love the Chia seeds protein powder and Chia seeds please.
    We don’t have alot of convince foods
    But reading about it
    We do have alot of unhealthy food 😡

  12. Great post. I’m loving my PB & corn thins at the moment so would have to say id love to try the Nairns oat cakes and coconut oil 🙂

  13. Nairns Oatcakes & Blue Coconut Coconut Oil sound amazing , love using coconut oil in a lot of my food and using as skin care too

  14. The Chia seeds and Vanilla Extract would be my pick, had Chia seeds in my breakfast muesli for ages and love Vanilla

  15. Great post, you just reminded me about adding frozen berries to my breakfast. I would like the Nairns oatcakes and Blue coconut coconut oil please

  16. I would love to try the Organic Oatcakes please… Nice for breakfast or with a cup of tea 🙂

  17. Would love the chia seeds with vanilla extract . And thank you for healthy ideas some of these will be great for lunches too !

  18. Love this post, really informative. Makes me feel better about my pantry. Would love the chia seeds and vanilla extract. These are two awesome products

  19. The Go Superfood Chia Seeds & Queen Vanilla Extract sounds absolutely perfect – yes please x

  20. I would love the Nairns Oatcakes (look delicous) & Blue Coconut Coconut Oil (for a new baking experience). This is a great list of things everyone should try and have in their kitchen. Thanks 🙂

  21. Just found out I’m allergic to wheat diary and soy! So I love finding places to get clean healthy recipes that I can eat!

  22. Wow some great tips and an interesting read
    I’d love the oatcakes and coconut oil pack please.. Thanks 🙂 x

  23. Thank you for all the helpful tips and information I feel like I’ve been to a nutrition for free!!!

  24. Great article! The Chia Seeds and Queen Vanilla Extract pack sounds awesome please.

  25. Thank-you for the great advice. I would love to try the Go Superfood Chia Seeds and queen Vanilla extract

  26. Yay, taking this all on board. Have been trying new things this year to get fit/healthy, lose weight etc and loving all the tips that you have given. Would love to try the Nairns Oatcake Pack & 400g Tub of Blue Coconut Coconut Oil package 🙂 Thank you

  27. Such a helpful blogs and perfect timeing as i am on the look out for new healthy snack ideas. The chia seed and queen vanilla extract pack sound so good!

  28. One heck of a good list. ..and the foods you had listed have been great – loving 2015 & the choices and changes in my life I am making I am aware of what I am eating and the foods I should avoid or eat in moderation.
    I’d love to have the Nairns Oatmeal pack and 400g tub of blue coconut oil package!!! Imagine the possibility of creativity in the kitchen with that baby fingers crossed and thanks for the blog xx

  29. I would love the narins oatcake and blue coconut oil please. Definitely need to get my family eating healthier. Love your blog and thank you for this opportunity 💜💛💚

  30. I’d love to win the pantry pack so I can stock my pantry with different choices for making healthy meals for my family

  31. I would LOVE the prize with Go SuperFood Chia Seeds & Queen Vanilla Extract PLEASE! Thanks for the healthy food ideas 🙂

  32. Great read.

    I would prefer the pack with Nairns Oatcakes & Blue Coconut Coconut Oil. We use coconut oil for everything in this house and oatcakes are an old fave.

  33. I’m doing better than expected. I have most of the suggested supplies! I would love the Nairns Oatcakes & Blue Coconut Coconut Oil pack please. Have not yet tried coconut oil but heard great things about it.

  34. Would love to win the Go SuperFood Chia Seeds & Queen Vanilla Extract for some yummy chia seed pudding and vanilla flavoured raw chocolate, or just to put the vanilla in my coffee yum!!!

  35. Love the meal ideas! I would love to win the pack with the Nairns Oatcakes & Blue Coconut Coconut Oil

  36. I’d love the chia seeds and vanilla extract please … was an informative read , some great tips i will follow

  37. The package with Nairn Oatcakes and Blue Coconut Coconut Oil would fit very nicely into my diet as offering healthy and satisfying options that make snacking a pleasure.

  38. Nairn oat cakes and blue coconut coconut oil please. Love reading your posts, was really helpful with switching to a healthier diet.

  39. Great blog post. Thank you for sharing. I would choose superfood chia seeds and queen vanilla extract please

  40. Interesting read, i have changed the way i eat the past few months and feeling much better! i would LOVE to try “Go superfood chia and queen vanilla” PLEASE

  41. i will have to say Nairns Oatcake Pack & 400g Tub of Blue Coconut Coconut Oil <3! It all sounds amazing!

    1. Oh my last comment auto corrected oat cakes to patches! Haha that’s the option I would love to try thanks 🙂

  42. I would love the coconut oil package I have been hearing such amazing things about coconut oil

  43. This is such an awesome post!! Definitely useful for someone like me who wants to eat as much fresh food as possible, but can’t always do that!

    I would love the Go SuperFood Chia Seeds & Queen Vanilla Extract please 🙂

  44. I would love to try the Nairns Oatcakes & Blue Coconut Coconut Oil please. Love this post, is a really interesting read. There is definitely some items on here I will need to stock up on in the pantry

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