Shakti Mat Review + WIN

Shakti Mat Review + WIN

I’m sure a lot of you have seen the Shakti mats around the interwebs, they have been popping up over the last few years. I was approached to be sent one for free to review, however I actually already own one so didn’t require one and I have been thinking about writing a review for a while now.

Shakti Mat Review - Move Love Eat

The Shakti mat claims to be useful in times of stress and tension and can help to sooth tired and creaky muscles. The mat is essential an acupressure mat full of really sharp points. What gets glazed over is the fact that this mat is like a torturous pin cushion the first time you use it. If you are prepared for this going into it you likely won’t be quite as shocked as I was the first time I used it.

Don’t get me wrong, I actually really like the mat and when I do remember to use it I do feel a lot better afterwards. Just be aware that the points are sharp and there are thousands of them (6,000 to be precise if you get the orange or green mat!). As with anything you need to use it a few times to really get a feel for it.

Shakti Mat Review - Move Love Eat
(Tired) Post Workout Chill on the Shakti Mat

I would recommend wearing a t-shirt the first time you use it to help acclimatise your body to the points. I will generally lay the mat down on the bed and put the sheet on top of it and then lye down on the mat while I read a chapter or two of my book at night. Having the soft bed underneath and the slight protection from the sheet really does help ease you into it. Once you are no longer finding this tough on the back then you can graduate to taking the sheet away and then move to having a harder surface underneath.

You can use the Shakti mat for a number of different areas, not just to lie on. I quite like just standing on the mat, the bottoms of our feet can get quite tight at times and it’s nice to let them unwind as well – it’s a tough area to target with any mobility. Don’t be shocked when the area you have been applying pressure too is really red when you come away from the mat, this is normal.

Shakti Mat Review - Move Love Eat

Another position I like is to roll the mat up and place it underneath my calves – also whilst lying in bed reading a book. Many people have said that they can just fall asleep on the mat, I’m definitely not at that stage but I can see how quickly you can adjust to it and I know that I do feel a lot better after having used the mat.

The Shakti Mat comes with a money back guarantee so you have nothing to loose, if you don’t like it or it doesn’t do what you purchased it for, simply send it back.


I have one Shakti Mat to give away to one lucky reader. To be in to win simply comment below and let me know why you want to win.

167 thoughts on “Shakti Mat Review + WIN

  1. I would like to win because I have heard many great reviews about these mats and would love to try one one day but due to
    Funds I haven’t been able to buy yet. 🙏🏻🍀

    1. I would love to win!

      I’m a single mum of 2 girls aged 4 and 6. I study Veterinary nursing full time and do work experience part time. It’s strenuous work! I suffer from coeliac disease and my body is ALWAYS sore! I’ve been researching acupuncture but have found these mats…been wanting one for ages but because of my tight budget, the kids stuff comes before mine and therefore I can’t afford one! I could really do with one to help my pain and my grumpy mood haha. This would be one of my dreams and needs to win one! I’ll have my fingers and toes crossed xx 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 It’s not one of those things I’ll be using once it will definitely be used a fair bit with the way my body is feeling

    2. This sounds very interesting and intriguing. I am wondering if it would help with my terribly annoying restless leg syndrome coupled with sciatica???

    3. I would love to win one. My back has never been the greatest after my pregnancies. Would love to get into a routine of spending some quiet time relaxing on one if theses mats. I think it would he great for the body and mind 🙂

  2. I would like to win to gift one to my mother in law as she has trouble sleeping and has terrible back problems but is so stubborn she wont do anything about it. She is such a hard worker and deserves a good nights sleep and some relief from ger pain

  3. As solo mum to a very active three year old, with a career that has taken off in the last year, I’m finding it increasingly difficult to get rid of my muscle tension. It’s one of those situations where I should probably treat myself, but I’m bad at that. So help me treat myself LOL

  4. I would love to try this out and have been tempted before. Having plantar fasciitis I think standing on it would help immensely but also on my calf muscles. Fingers crossed I win!

  5. wow sounds awesome, i wonder if it would help my aching calf muscles and knees

  6. I would love to try one. I walk on concrete all day long in steel capped boots and have sore feet and xalf muscles at the end of the day. Nothing stops the pain in my feet or calves. Thanks for the opportunity to win one 😊

  7. I would love to try one of these 😍 I’ve read about them before & they sound amazing!!
    It would be great to win why to try and help my sore back 😅 Thanks so much ❤️

  8. I’ve actually been after one of these since xmas last year but I was weary as to how legit the reviews are. I trust you quite alot so I’d definitely love to give it a go. I’ve got a bad sciatic nervous thats easily agitated and it’s annoying because it puts me out of training legs for a few days. My favourite part of your review…
    torturous pin cushion the first time haha that sounds like something up my alley.

  9. Thanks for the interesting review. I like your advice about folding it under calves and would like to try that as I have been getting cramp and wonder if this would help. Thank you for the opportunity to enter

  10. My email was incorrect in the previous comment ,just in case I was lucky enough to win

  11. I would love to try this on my feet as they get very sore from wearing steel caps all day. Plus very intrigued to see if it can help my back.

  12. I’d love to try the Shakti mat as I have chronic back pain from an inflamed disc and have been slowly working my way back into walking and being active. Would love to see if the mat can help soothe the aches and cramps in my body.

  13. I would love to try one to help with tension. I’m a bit of a worrier so am often tense over big and small things.

  14. I would be very apprehensive to try this out but with a bad back like mine, this may help with pressure points and relaxing the muscles so I would probably give it at least one try.
    I like the idea of rolling the mat up to use it on targeted areas.

  15. Would love to win one to use for my sciatica, extends to my legs more often than not. Be nice to try something I can use at home when and as needed.

  16. I have been wanting one of these for a while now for me and my mum. We both get very sore achy muscles and don’t find it easy to relax so would love to feel the benefits of the Shakti mat

  17. I have been wanting one for awhile as i have read many great reviews, this will help with my back pain I constantly get.

  18. I have read many great reviews and have been wanting to try this for quite some time, this will help with my back pain I constantly get.

  19. I would love to win this mat as a great way to revive at the end of the week. I suffer with painful sore knees and sometimes at sore back so this will help me stay on track with my exercise and help relieve the discomfort. Also your article was a great read, why wouldn’t I want one after that?

  20. I have been dying to get one of these ever since I tried my friends! Such a warm release!

    And now that I’m playing rugby, I am the definition of “creaky” so could really use this!

  21. I’d love one of these! I tried one at a friends house and it worked wonders for my sore calves! I am training for running a marathon so am always looking for new ways to relieve my sore muscles!

  22. This sounds like exactly what I need! I work ina physically demanding job and on my feet all day and sounds like a good way to relax the muscles without needing to find time to do it!!

  23. Working in early childhood and as a nanny can really do your back in. I’ve had constant back pain from this but have heard the rave around this amazing product! I would love to be able to get rid of the pain my job and passion causes me!

  24. Would love the chance to win one of these! I’ve been seeing them all around & as a mail processor sometimes I sort up to 10,000 letters a day so the repetitive movements lead to a lot of aches and strains

  25. I have an autoimmune condition that leaves me in pain on a daily basis. Love that this helps without more medication so would love to give it a try. Nothing to lose everything to gain ! Slightly skeptical as always as everyone claims to have a miracle fix for the right price hence why I haven’t purchased one myself. Good honest review.

  26. Would love to win as I’m always looking at new ways to relax and these certainly sound amazing

  27. I would love to win it for my mum, she works a physical job and I think this would be great for her to try out after a long day 🙂

  28. I have heard so many amazing things about these mats and would love to give one a go for myself! This would be great for something for me as with two toddlers life is busy and as a Mum naturally you put everyone’s needs before your own! Would love to try this ❤️

  29. Would love to win one of these, I am actually going to class tomorrow to try it out. I am hoping it will help with my constant neck/ shoulder pain.

  30. I would like to win one of these to help reduce stress and improve my immunity.

  31. I have wanted one for ages! I think this would definitely help my back and shoulders as they get really tight and sore. Have heard amazing things about these. Even my mum would benefit from one I’m sure as she also gets back and neck pain. Fingers crossed

  32. I would love to win this as I have a lower back problem I really think this will help me alot

  33. Haha I love your honest review and the ‘torturous pin cushion’ comment. Made me smile. These do sound good though. Been meaning to say that I like the new look of your blog too 🙂

  34. These are so good. I have just started running and chilling on one of these torture pads would be ideal.

  35. I’d love to win. I feel the winter kilos are starting to pile on akready. I have 3 kids and no time to exercise.

  36. I would love to win one. I had one that was loved too much by myself, family and friends. It has kids drawings on it also …oops when I lent it to a friend. Everyone that uses it LOVES it and I never get to use it Please please pick me !

  37. I would like to win so that I can give this to my dad for his birthday! He has & still is having problems with his syatic nerve and I’m sure one of these would help. You said you can lie on it so it could help. Thanks for the review & the comp.

  38. I would love to win this as it would help my back with working in a daycare all the time 🙂 I always come home with sore back

  39. I would love this for after boot camp and the fact that I can read my book while using it is even better!

  40. I would love one. My partner is a shearer so he could really do with spending 20 mins on this before sleep. I follow a couple of girls on snapchat who love them 😍

  41. I’ve been reading so many good reviews about these and would love to try one! Would be great for after my intense gym sessions

  42. With my various exercise commitments at the moment my body is really feeling it from Bootcamp, biking, running and playing netball on the Tarmac this body is feeling its age! One of these maybe just what is needed!

  43. Hey! Would love to win one of these as I have a really active job, a small child and have recently started experiencing back pain. Have heard awesome things and know that I would use this a lot 😀

  44. I’ve been reliant on sleeping pills for years, and I would class myself as a chronic insomniac. Bad sleep has plagued me and my dependence on aids has really impacted my life. My new ears resolution was to try wean myself off tablets and improve my sleep routines and bedroom hygiene. I’ve heard nothing but good things about how shakti mats can alleviate stress and help with sleep. I would love to give it a go!!

  45. Seen so many people loving these mats. Been wanting to get one for a long time, looks like a great way to destress.

  46. I’d love to try one to help out with sore muscles after my gym sessions and morning runs

  47. I would love to try this for my Varicose veins, sux being young(ish) at 33 and having old, lumpy and itchy legs. X

  48. These mats look amazing. I must admit, I’ve never heard of them before now but I suffer from sciatica and I think this would be very beneficial to try.

  49. I have been eyeing up these for ages. I want one to lie on after I’ve done my gym workouts in the everyday to relax. I am always working out and have heard these mats are amazing.

  50. Now that I am getn a little bit older I am startn 2 feel th aches & pains after exercise. It would b nice 2 hv something 2 help with that.

  51. I would soooo love to win one of these for my Dad. I have one for me and it has been the best thing ever – I use it when I’m anxious, can’t sleep, for sore muscles and on my feet! I have CFS and haven’t been working for over 2 years now. My Dad has been such an incredible support – financially as well and I would so love to gift him a Shakti to help his recovery from a Hip Replacement as a act of gratitude. He’s an ex pro athlete and farmer and his bods had a rough old life. At the moment he’s taking a ridiculous amount of dangerous and addictive pain killers and having so much trouble sleeping. His movements impaired, he can’t work his physical job and his mental health has suffered as a result too. This would just do wonders for him, I strongly believe in a holistic approach and I think this would be a really easy & effective NATURAL tool for him to use to relieve pain and tension! Thanks so much for the opportunity & love this post ❤️ X

  52. I have only heard amazing things about this, I would love to try this! ❤️❤️ I feel like I need something to help me relax and rest my mind.

  53. I would love to win one of these as a young solo mum with arthritis this seems like it may be a real life changer for me. Also heard it can help you sleep which I have a lot of trouble with. Have wanted to try one of these for a long time but sadly can’t afford it.

  54. I think I’d love the feeling of standing on it. But I’d also love sending snaps to my little sister, who also desperately wants one, hehe.

  55. I would love to give one of these a try. I get really sore shoulders from my physical job as a large animal veterinarian so I would love to come home after a hard day work and be able to relieve the shoulders and the rest of my body!!

  56. This looks and soundz so anazing, really who wouldn’t want one. Yes please♥♥♥

  57. Im sure my sister in law would love if I win my own so then I’m not forever at her house lol simply standing on a shakti mat for 10mins feels like I’ve had a full hour massage. ☺

  58. I would love to win one. I’ve heard so much positive feedback and would love to use it to help me relax

  59. Would love to win this cos have heard AMAZEBALLS things about them and let’s just say my calves after running are BITCHES… very tight, I’ve tried so many things but I’m sure a mat would help even more!!

  60. Would love one of these to use after dance. I have so many performances and exams coming up, and my muscles are always fatigued and tired. Injured my knee last month and would love to try lying with the mat under my knees, or pressing my feet on it after pointe practice!

  61. I’ve heard these mats help with headaches as well, it massages all the pressure points in the feet. I’d love one 😊

  62. I would love to win one. I am about to have my long awaited kidney transplant after eight years of thrice weekly hospital stays. I am so excited but there will be a lot of recovery involved and the shakti would be so amazing.

  63. I would absolutely love to win one of these Shakti mats!. I’ve heard such great things about them and their use for running recovery. I’m training for my first marathon and this would help a lot! 🙂

  64. I would love to try one! My body is so sore, I have been picking up my 1yr old in a silly way and need to think about my poor body before straining it so much

  65. Really want to try one of these out! Training hard at the moment and it would definitely help my muscles

  66. These look amazing. I’d love to try it for my back, picking up a toddler every day I go from no pain for days to moving the wrong way and ending in agony. I hear it’s great for sleep too. And anything that helps with a deeper sleep has got to be amazing.

  67. I have heard amazing things about the Shakti mat. people rave about them. I would love to win one and enjoy the benifits

  68. I would love to win one because I have heard they are super amazing however currently I’m a student and cannot afford one. This would be amazing ❤️

  69. I’d love to win one of these, have heard great things about it but not a luxury we can afford right now. Need something to help my aches n pains from the sports I do

  70. These look interesting would love to try on my back pain, and for any future aliments.
    Yes please

  71. Ohh would love this! Didn’t realise until today how tense I am and how much flexibity I’ve lost since having my little baby girl who’s 10wks old. Been meaning to get back into yoga! This would help my back so much as I am achy with holding my clingy baby and slouching to breastfeed 🙁

  72. I would love to win this … getting back into training the body needs this!

  73. Bought the mat as a present for my triathlete brother and gave it a trial before wrapping it up. Loved it and got a little bit of present envy. He loves it too for after training or when chilling. I have been dropping hints in the hope that he would return the favour or my hubby would get one but still waiting. Would love it post workout or simply to make the most of R&R time when bubs is asleep.

  74. I would love to win, I have heard amazing things about them and this would
    Be fantastic for my aches and pains in pregnancy (currently 6months) and also have two other children to run around after and work full time. This would be very relaxing at the end of a hard day 🙂

  75. Hi I have seen these mats and they look amazing. I would love love love to win one of these as my daughter plays rugby and she often has soreness from games n training and she also is a restless sleeper. I feel the shakti mat may help her to get a better nights sleep I would love to do this for her. 😃

  76. Would love to win one of these. Often sore from using computer and have started yoga so would love one of these to help. Just trying to improve overall health. This does look amazing!

  77. Would love to have the opportunity to try one of these !! My back experiences a lot of pain due to heavy lifting at work. So trying this would be amazing !! And maybe try it on my feet also to release the tension 😍😍

  78. Loved your review, I think the shakti mat would be really good for the souls of my feet too, they feel quite tight like you were talking about. I would love this mat! I’ve been wanting one for months since I tested one at my local mall. I have just started running and I often come away with really sore calves and a sore back, I think this mat would be super helpful to recover and soothe those muscles. This would honestly be such a treat! I would really appreciate it!

  79. Would love to win a mat. Have heard such great things about them. Would be ideal for after a hard days work.

  80. Hmmm seems interesting! I have trouble with my shins and this could be good for my back also ….intriguing

  81. I LOVE acupuncture and acupressure and having a shakti may has been a dream of mine for a very long time 😍 the idea of having something so beneficial for my body is just so exciting, and I although I have a spiky ball it would be nice to relax on a full mat… heavenly even 😄

  82. Would love to win and give this to my partner! He has just had another gallstone attack and is very stiff and sore, this was recommended to us but we can’t afford it so would love to win this for him!

  83. I’ve been following reviews on the shakti mats for a while now, need to start the saving so I can get one! As a we designer I spend a lot of time on the computer so would be great for the back 🙂

  84. I would love to win one of these I have read many great reviews and would love to try for my pains and headaches!

  85. I have been wanting to try one of these for ages! I have heard they are amazing

  86. Been wanting one of these for soooo long! I get a lot of back pain and would just love to lie on this, I’ve heard great things 🙂

  87. I suffer from fibromyalgia and a range of other things (currently in hosp trying to get to the bottom of things). I am a solo mother of two and o really struggle to get my tires achy body supple and energised enough to do much besides the bare minimum with them. I would love to improve posture pain and circulation and I have heard great things about these mats. Would love to win one 😊

  88. Owlove to win this. Tried one at Wanderlust and felt amazing afterwards. I work in Mental Health which can be stressful at times plus have a problem with my hip and a couple of extra partial ribs at the top of my spine which give me grief. Think the Shakti May would really help.

  89. Would really love to experience the Shakti may. I’ve read so much awesome feedback. This woukd be perfect for My hubby and I aswell as our oldest son.

  90. I would love to win because I struggle with sleep and have tried everything. This is because I stress way to much with juggling uni and my job. Would love to try one of these 🙂

  91. I’d like to win as I keep waking up with back pain and generally have back pains during the day. I heard many amazing things about this matter.

  92. My husband is always bent over computers all day so comes home with neck and lower back issues. I would love to win this for him to give him a natural alternative to pain medicine (as per Drs) love your tip about starting out on the bed with the sheet over it 🙂

  93. I have read so much about these but not in the budget at the mo. Just starting trying to get fit and healthy but having lots of back and neck problems so yes please, pop me in your draw. Thanks for the chance

  94. Would love to win – I already have one and its amazing, but if I won I would give to my sister who runs ultramarathons and always has aches and pains.

  95. Id love to win one, with all my on going health problems I’m always quite tense and this would help to relax me for a more restless sleep at night.

  96. I’d love to try these, I’m a florist and stuffer from extreme pain in one shoulder blade. Would be a miracle if this helped with that!!

  97. Would love to win this! 😍 My lower back is in constant pain/aches/tention and nothing has worked for me (besides copious amounts of pain killers, which only masks the pain and comes back as soon as they ware off lol ) so hoping this will help out a little! Please and thank you 😊

  98. Would love to win this. I’m a teacher and at the end of the day this would be bliss!!

  99. Hi Amanda,
    I would love to win one as I’m a long time sufferer of back pain & even more so since having my 3 children, pretty much has taken its toll on my lower. This would be amazing to unwind, relax & feel energized especially giving my back a new lease naturally.

  100. I have been wanting to try one of these. I have a back injury and have just had a month off work. I would love to see if it helps with the healing/relief some pain.

  101. I would love to win as I have been suffering servere anxiety and depression and this might help with the relaxing they keep telling me will help

  102. This would be amazing to win. I’ve set myself some big goals with my health and fitness and this would be an amazing asset for the journey 🙂

  103. My partner so needs one of these please. He has a prolapse disc and has only just had surgery to release his nerves in his thighs as he was having constant pain in his lower back and thighs. We have just found out about this may and I would love to win this for him. After 2 years he has final had some surgery as every other specialist thought it was nothing to worry about.

  104. Awesome giveaway, would love to win this for myself ever since having my children my back & hips have never been the same – also my partner who’s a golfer & a sheep shearer always needs a back rub, the shakti may would def save me the job 😊

  105. I would love love love to win as I have the sorest back and tightest calves and this would just help so much. I’ve tested them before and love them but don’t have enough money to buy one sadly

  106. I would love to win this. I have been meaning to try these for a long time and your review takes a bit of the unknown out of using it. I would be interested to seeing what kind of difference it makes to my tired legs after standing all day and also sore shoulders and neck. Thanks for a great review!

  107. I’d love to try one of these ‘tortuous pin cushions’ – keen to see if it improves my sleep!!

  108. I’m keen to give one of these mats a go. After a back injury earlier this year I’m starting to feel like the aging process is really creeping in now!😂

  109. Everyone seems to be joining the shakti matt craze, from what I have seen and heard the benefits of using one are amazing! Would love to have one of my own

  110. Would love to win one of these, would help me kick start my exercise in our new house !

  111. I have heard great thinks about the Shakti mat and would love for me and my hubby to win one to share. It would be put to good use. Thanks!

  112. To help with my circulation! I’ve recently found out from a trip to Taiwan that my blood circulation is terrible. This product would help me improve it for sure! I would love to win!

  113. I had heard they were pretty uncomfortable at first but awesome once you get used to it. Would love to give one a try. A few aching muscles after a day in the garden.

  114. Id love to win…..heard so many great things and hopefully will help ease the tension headaches!

  115. I would love to win as I’ve read great reviews about these and hopefully it will ease the tension headaches!

  116. I have decided to run a half marathon after having been a non cardio based athlete. I know how important recovery is and my body certainly needs some help battleing through a change in training.

  117. I have one of these and it’s fantastic. I do actually like using it without a sheet or cover but have had it a little while. I would love to get one for mum though as she tried mine and said it really helped with the muscle fatigue she gets.

  118. Great review! I would love to have one of these to help with chronic neck pain!

  119. I would love to win, because being a single mum it’s not in the budget but also suffer from bad sciatica and need something to help me ease the pain . 🙌💕

  120. Wow I would sooo love to try one of these I have heard sooo many great things I am sure it would help with sleep 😴 & my tight hamstrings that causes me to have sore feet

  121. I would love one help with my sciatica pain etc but also to help my husband who has suffered from back pain for 15 plus years. Please & thank you

  122. Would love to win one as I’ve heard amazing things about them. I have a one years old son thatathat’s not sleeping well and keeps me busy. Need some mummy time out.

  123. Hi, I would just loooovvvee to win a mat. I know they are amazing!! I do Crossfit and have just started learning ballet but get really tight calf muscles all the time. When it gets really bad I have to pop over to visit my mum for a cup of tea and to use her mat: would be so fantastic to have my own so I don’t keep needing to borrow her one. I just love them! They really really do make such a huge difference

  124. This would be amazing to win. Been having pretty bad foot cramps recently due to bad circulation and also get back pain from office work so this would help so much!

  125. Would love to win ive had the worst headache all day and a crazy one year old hasnt helped haha.

  126. I would love to win. have some many friends that have one of these mats . they love it.
    I’m sure it would help with my aches from hairdressing.

  127. I have heard a lot of great reviews! I would love to try this to help with body aches and pains after training.

  128. Would love to win the mat but even if I didn’t I will commit to buying one I work long hours and hope to improve the tension in my feet the most 2nd being my back which always seems to have a few problems every couple of months. Excited to purchase actually!

  129. I would love to win this! I’m a mama to 3 boys and I work part time. Time to myself on this mat would be bliss! Always wanted to try but having a teenager who needs/wants a lot sometimes money gets tight. 🤞

  130. There are so many reasons but I think the main one would be to help with tension headaches and shoulder pain.

  131. I would love to win a Shakti Mat. Recently I’ve put on a bit of weight and it is really starting to put a lot of strain on my back and legs, working a sedentary job is also not helping. So I have started working out to shift the weight but I would really love to incorporate a Shakti Mat into my life to help me relax and unwind after work and working out! Hopefully changing my life for the better.

  132. I would love to win this as the things I have read it can do to help the body is something I need. My body is constantly aching due to tension cause by stress and anxiety. Would be nice to get some relief.

  133. I would love one of these mats. I have so many tight and sore pressure points on my body that it would give me great relief I’m sure.

  134. I would benefit from this amazing mat in so many ways. The reviews I had seen tick every box.

  135. Thank you for this honest review. I’ve looked these in the past to use on my back and feet. I think without having read this first I might have used it once and given up. I’m on my feet a lot during the day and I think this would help ease the tension on my soles as well as my lower back.

  136. I would love to win one of these to help with the chronic back pain I have had since having my son 3 years ago.

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