Sauerkraut Made Simple

Sauerkraut Made Simple

Sauerkraut is one of those things that we don’t seem to eat that much of in New Zealand. Europeans enjoy sauerkraut regularly and for good reason, there are many reasons to love sauerkraut!

Sauerkraut is essentially fermented cabbage, which I admit doesn’t sound particularly appealing when you first hear of it but I promise it is really good for you and doesn’t taste terrible like it sounds.

Sauerkraut Made Simple

Sauerkraut is incredibly low in calories as it literally is just cabbage. Sauerkraut is a good source of vitamin B, C & K and raw sauerkraut is lacto-fermented and is alive with good bacteria and probiotics.

Sauerkraut is a great way to add some additional vegetables onto your plate while boosting the good bacteria in your gut. It’s also a great product to make yourself because it is actually really easy, has a long shelf life and doesn’t actually require refrigeration!

Like the coconut yoghurt I posted a couple of weeks back, I feel like a bit of a sham calling this a recipe because it is really THAT simple!


You will need 1-2 cabbages, sea salt, a container (we used the sauerkraut fermenting crock from Mad Millie) and warm dark space to store your sauerkraut while it ferments. That is it!


Chop your cabbage finely and place in a large bowl.
Sprinkle over 1-2 Teaspoons of salt and massage for 5 minutes or so until the cabbage has wilted and there is a bit of liquid in the bottom of the bowl.
Insert cabbage and liquid into your fermenting crock or container of your choice (ensure it’s sterilised by running under boiling water).
Ensure the liquid covers the cabbage and use something heavy (sterilise it first!) to sit on top of the cabbage and hold it down under the liquid.
Leave in a warm dark place (hot water cupboard worked well for us) for a couple of weeks until it’s developed a tang to your liking then keep in your pantry or fridge.

Have you tried sauerkraut before??