We had decided this year that we would try and check out a few different gyms around New Zealand just out of interest. This past weekend we decided to head out to New Lynn and try out Strong Factory. The b/f had seen Strong Factory advertised a little while back and he thought it would be his type of gym. Old school with no mirrors and people go there to actually workout.
Strong Factory New Lynn
We arrived on a rainy Saturday for a workout before heading out to my uncles who lives out west. It is always interesting when the two of us go to a new gym to see what we like and dislike between us. I have only been going to gym’s for a few years and still know what it is like to feel like the odd one out in a gym and not have a clue where to start, and I know what can be intimidating for females. Kyle has been training in the gym for most of his life and has competed in body building events so knows how to get shit done when it comes to the gym, he likes the old school type gyms where you go there to just workout.
From the outside Strong Factory is easy to spot with the bright red Strong Factory painted all down the side of the building. As is standard in Auckland there isn’t a lot of parking however this wasn’t an issue for us as there was parking right outside on the street free. I can’t speak for how many parks there are around here in the evening or during the week though.
I knew that Strong Factory was going to be a bit of a ‘boys gym’, for the lack of a better way of putting it. Inside there are painted faces and bodies of different strong men from all around the world as well as a few inspirational quotes – ie. Work Hard and be proud of what you achieve, there are also a couple of signs with things to keep you on track and keep your cellphone stored safely away so you can’t sit there and pretend to workout – ie. Put your goddamn f****n phone away, this is a gym not a starbucks. I VERY quickly snapped a couple of pictures during my rest period then hid my phone – I don’t usually take it to the gym!
I really enjoyed the atmosphere in Strong Factory as it seems like the type of place you go to workout and not mess about. You get in, work your butt off and then get out, go home and enjoy the rest of your day. I found it a little bit weird that there were no mirrors at all – zilch, nada, zero! It was nice as you don’t get those people who stand there and ogle either themselves or the other people who are there working out. This probably isn’t the gym you come to if your brand new to working out as having mirrors definitely helps when you are just getting started.
There is a decent amount of space in the Strong Factory and you don’t feel like you are on top of each other when you are doing your workout like you can at some conventional gyms. We did visit when it was very quiet so I’m not sure what it is like when it is packed but I imagine it wouldn’t be too bad given all the space.
I love that there is dedicated spaces to dead lift as it’s a pet peeve of mine at our current gym that there isn’t anywhere to dead lift other than in front of the squat racks (meaning you take up one of the racks which are precious gym real estate) or in the middle of the floor (where everyone walks awkwardly around you and you need to make sure no one is coming before undertaking your set).
Another thing I really enjoyed is that they have a 20 metre free space where you can push a sled down for 20 metre’s and then turn around and come back without getting in the way of other gym goers. Or do some walking lunges without having to dodge everyone else walking down the gym.
If you’re looking for a gym to get a full cardio workout in, in the traditional sense of the cardio workout (ie.treadmills, cross trainer, stationery bike), don’t bother coming to Strong Factory. While they do have stationery bikes, spin bikes and rowers you will not find a treadmill or cross trainer. If you’re happy to get your cardio in by climbing the rope attached to the roof, doing kettlebell swings, tyre flips and sled pushing then you definitely need to check Strong Factory out.
The equipment at Strong Factory is basic and practical and allows for all the big compound lifts, there aren’t a lot of machines so if that is your style then you may not like Strong Factory. If you are comfortable with free weights, dead lifts, squats and bench press you will be in heaven.
Overall I really enjoyed our session at Strong Factory and think anyone who is interested in body building, powerlifting and generally has a good feel for working out by themselves and creating their own training plan and getting in the gym and getting shit done would enjoy it too.
The b/f exclaimed that he would happily sit on a train for 40 minutes each way to go to a gym like Strong Factory so that is a pretty big statement to make and tells you how much he enjoyed it. He did say that he would need to see what it was like during peak sessions though!
If your ever out New Lynn way and looking for a gym to go to go check out Strong Factory.
19 Portage Road
New Lynn
Strong Factory Website
Take cash with you as they do not have EFTPOS – casual sessions are $10 each and weekly memberships are $15 which is a bargain – and they don’t have long term contracts!
How would you fare in a gym without mirrors? Would you love or loathe it? – Please do scroll down and comment below, I love hearing from you
ooh i like the look of this place! That’s my kind of gym! What do people use treadmills for anyway when you have roads and hills to run on
I can’t stand treadmills either, I’d much rather run outside and see some of the amazing scenery NZ has to offer! Definitely check it out if your ever up in Auckland and out west – they are pretty close to the New Lynn train station too
I have been working out at Strong factory for about 12 months now, I actually ended up here by accident thinking it was the crossfit gym just up the road, but I love this place its the best gym I have ever been to.
The Strong Factory has a different feel, more like a club and a bunch of mates that workout together. The entire team are also very friendly, helpful and will help you as much as you want if you just ask.
That’s funny that you came across my blog post! It is a pretty awesome gym, we have since moved from Auckland and will eventually have our own little home gym to run our bootcamps and our own personal training out of and we’d love it to be something like Strong Factory!