I don’t know what the latest cliff hanger is on Shortland Street, who is dating whom on Home and Away, I certainly have no idea why Orange is the New Black nor do I understand the hype that was Game of Thrones.
Why not? I do not own a T.V, I haven’t for a long time and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
Okay, to begin with I wondered what was happening on some of my favourite shows and sometimes I do miss just sitting down on the couch after work, flicking on the T.V and not moving until bed time (dinner aside). Especially comedy Wednesdays!
But the kicker is (and the reason I don’t have any particular desire to purchase a television any time soon) that I get so much more done in the evenings and on the weekends!
The simple version of this post is: A quick tip for getting shit done: throw your television out the window.
Okay, don’t actually throw it out the window as I’m pretty sure there is stuff in the T.V that can explode or isn’t good for the environment or something like that. Be a responsible adult and store it away somewhere, give it to a friend who gets far too much done, or don’t go so extreme and keep the T.V but think about how often you watch it and whether or not you could use that time to do something else.
Sometimes sitting down in front of the television is a great way to unwind, relax and have a little bit of ME time, which is great.
That’s not what I’m talking about here at all. I want you to think about how many hours you sit in front of the television – seriously take a moment (I’ll wait….) I’d guess a minimum of 15 hours per week perhaps, that’s only two hours per night…. and doesn’t include watching that omnibus on Sunday morning when your hungover… (got you!)
If your constantly finding yourself too busy and unable to fit in some of the things you would like to do (or should do *cough* exercise *cough*) I definitely recommend evaluating how much time you spending watching the television each week.
Think about the things you would love to do, what would you do if you suddenly had an extra couple of hours each evening or on the weekend? Even if you just had an extra couple of hours one evening – what would you do??
You could spend some QUALITY (I could probably write a whole rant post on this!) time with a loved one, spend some time channelling your inner master chef and create a fantastic meal, get outside and get some fresh air (even though it’s super fresh at this time of the year, going for a walk is a great way to see your neighbourhood while getting some exercise in).
You could even do some housework so you don’t have to do it all on the weekend if you work during the week. Or get some meal prep done for the rest of the week so you don’t resort to takeaways when you realise you have nothing quick in the fridge to eat.
How many hours per night do you watch T.V?
I love the fact that you used correct grammar when stating “Who is dating whom”. Awesome!
I can also spell kumara…
Love it! I threw my TV out so many years ago I forget now; my kids were annoyed at first – but then we all just spent hours of quality time together. And yes you definitely get more done. Do it today!!
So nice to hear someone else has got rid of the tv and enjoys it!!
I don’t watch TV in the traditional sense….I watch a lot of old,cheap bargain bin films and boxed sets of TV series…
We do the same, if we feel like watching something we will crank out some old movies or box sets and watch them on the laptop.
We have a tv but I don’t actually watch it much at all. I watch the news and that’s about it! Might have it on in the background occasionally. I will watch Modern Family when it comes back on but that’s about me! I’m too busy reading/writing blogs
Ooh I do miss Modern Family! It’s great to just have 1 or 2 faves that you watch and spend the rest of the time doing something non-t.v related!
True. I have to say though that I still get very distracted on the internet when I’m trying to do something. Always takes me WAY longer to write a post than it should!