Partner Beach Workout [No Equipment] + WIN

After all the recipes and food that has been consumed over the past few weeks I thought it was about time we got another workout up for you. Since it’s summer time and we are all dreaming of spending time at the beach rather than working I thought a no equipment partner beach workout would be ideal.

While this is a partner workout, it can also be performed by yourself as this is a workout that one person rests and the other works. It’s a relatively short workout and should take a max of 20 minutes to complete. However you will definitely know that you have done a good workout and burned off some calories for the quintessential kiwi BBQ later in the day!

no equipment partner beach workout

This no equipment partner beach workout can be performed both on or off the beach however is a lot harder on the beach due to the instability that the sand provides.  I have given two different options for the exercises, one which is harder and one which is easier for those who need an easier option.

There are six rounds to this no equipment partner beach workout, one partner will work for one round while the other person rests. Keep in mind that this workout will start out easy and the final round will be extra hard! This workout can also be done with a larger group, perfect for getting your workout in before the end of the day summer BBQ and drinks begin 😉

To begin you will need to set up 8 cones (or sticks – use driftwood from the beach) as markers all set out in a long line about 8-10 paces apart from each other. It doesn’t really matter what you use for the markers so just use anything you can find on the beach.

We will be performing three different exercises along with short runs for this workout, the exercises are squat jumps, star jumps and shadowboxing (essentially punching the air). If you are not up to jumping around on the sand then you can perform squats, star steps and shadowboxing.

Each round you will run to three cones and perform the exercises three times around and your partner who is resting should be able to remind you which cone to run too and how many reps to perform of each exercise. Take a look at the videos below for a quick overview of how the workout runs and then see below for what you need to do for each round.

No Equipment Partner Beach Workout – Round 1 [Harder Version]

No Equipment Partner Beach Workout – Round 2 [Easier Version]

Round 1
Run to Cone 1 & Back
Perform 1 Squat Jump, 1 Star Jump and 1 Shadowbox (each side)
Run to Cone 2 & Back
Perform 2 Squat Jumps, 2 Star Jumps and 2 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 3 & Back
Perform 3 Squat Jumps, 3 Star Jumps and 3 Shadowboxes (each side)

Round 2
Remove the first cone from the line
Run to Cone 1 (the new cone 1)& Back
Perform 2 Squat Jumps, 2 Star Jumps and 2 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 2 & Back
Perform 3 Squat Jumps, 3 Star Jumps and 3 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 3 & Back
Perform 4 Squat Jumps, 4 Star Jumps and 4 Shadowboxes (each side)

Round 3
Remove the first cone from the line
Run to Cone 1 (the new cone 1)& Back
Perform 3 Squat Jumps, 3 Star Jumps and 3 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 2 & Back
Perform 4 Squat Jumps, 4 Star Jumps and 4 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 3 & Back
Perform 5 Squat Jumps, 5 Star Jumps and 5 Shadowboxes (each side)

Round 4
Remove the first cone from the line
Run to Cone 1 (the new cone 1)& Back
Perform 4 Squat Jumps, 4 Star Jumps and 4 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 2 & Back
Perform 5 Squat Jumps, 5 Star Jumps and 5 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 3 & Back
Perform 6 Squat Jumps, 6 Star Jumps and 6 Shadowboxes (each side)

Round 5
Remove the first cone from the line
Run to Cone 1 (the new cone 1)& Back
Perform 5 Squat Jumps, 5 Star Jumps and 5 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 2 & Back
Perform 6 Squat Jumps, 6 Star Jumps and 6 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 3 & Back
Perform 7 Squat Jumps, 7 Star Jumps and 7 Shadowboxes (each side)

Round 6
Remove the first cone from the line
Run to Cone 1 (the new cone 1)& Back
Perform 6 Squat Jumps, 6 Star Jumps and 6 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 2 & Back
Perform 7 Squat Jumps, 7 Star Jumps and 7 Shadowboxes (each side)
Run to Cone 3 & Back
Perform 8 Squat Jumps, 8 Star Jumps and 8 Shadowboxes (each side)

I remove one cone after each round to make it easier to workout which cone you are running too, so you are always running to the first, second and then third cone even though they are a bit further away each time.

Get your partner who is resting to remind you of what cone and how many reps you are up too so you don’t need to think about this much while you are doing the workout as it’s easy to forget where you are up to.

I’d definitely recommend doing this workout either in the morning say before 10am or in the evening say after 4pm before it gets too hot as this will be a killer workout in the heat of the day! Make sure you hydrate well with water before and during the workout and if you are in the summer BBQ mood afterwards check out my new choice of alcoholic beverage, Long White Vodka. It’s my pick as it contains no added table sugar (it’s sweetened with apple juice from the Hawkes Bay instead), is made from NZ ingredients and is NOT super sickly sweet like most RTD’s, plus it’s not wine, I hate wine!

No Equipment Beach Workout - Long White Vodka

WIN WIN WIN –CLOSED – Congratulations Greer Dorne – send us an email or facebook message with you address and we will arrange your prize! 

Win a Summer BBQ Prize pack valued at over $50! 

Prize pack includes a $25 Liquorland voucher to get your hands on the new Long White Vodka, available in three flavours; lemon and lime, passionfruit and raspberry. The Long White Vodka are the perfect alcoholic drink to enjoy after a day spent at the beach as they are super refreshing. You will also receive 2x cans of Dot’s Cooking Spray, 1x BBQ utensil set, 1x Dot’s apron to help your summer BBQing. Please read the Terms and Conditions for all Competitions Here.

To be in to win simply comment below and let me know which flavor long white you’d buy if you win, and who you would invite around for a BBQ?

This no equipment partner beach workout was brought to you by the team at Long White Vodka. If you’re in a treat yo-self mood at the end of a nice long hot day, reach for a Long White Vodka, Vodka with naturally flavoured sparkling water! #lovelongwhite

114 thoughts on “Partner Beach Workout [No Equipment] + WIN

  1. I would definitely buy the Passionfruit flavour as that’s my favourite!
    Love this workout so much, will definitely give it a go with Camille!! oxoxo

  2. I like the sound of all of them and really wanna try them all but since i really have to pock only one i would like to try the lemon and lime as it sounds like a nice refrashing drink after that exercise workout you just gave us and also works well ob a hot day too

  3. I’d definitely buy the lemon lime! Sounds delish! Thanks for the workout, a great idea to try when we take the kids to the beach.

  4. This sounds like a good workout!
    But not for a super hot day though, keep cold water handy!

  5. Raspberry, its sweet taste would be refreshing and smooth, on a long hot day at the beach, perfect to kick back those jandals in the deck chair and watch those waves come in.

  6. What an awesome work out will definitely be giving this a try. I absolutely love all of the Long White drink flavours but if I had to pick a favourite I would definitely go with the passion fruit! 😊

  7. 100% the passion fruit flavor!! Love the fruit, I bet the drink is just as awesome. I think I would complete this workout with My Brother Ryan, as he keeps me motivated and would ensurer we both finish it fully

  8. Mmmhm. I love wine. .. but also defo love the lemon and lime long white. Awesome workout also.

  9. I love that the one who rests can look after the toddler! Suitable for when you have little people who come along. Would definitely have the passion fruit flavor in this heat – so refreshing.

  10. Would try the passion fruit. Have tried the lemon and lime plus the raspberry and love them.

  11. Have tried all the flavors and lemon & lime is my fave. Would love to try out this work out with my man. plus it helps that I live right next to the beach!

  12. They all sound interesting but I would choose the passion fruit one.

    And who would I do this with? I would try to drag my sister into it.

  13. I would love raspberry please! Wow this article is so cool, stoked I read it!! What a great work out! I love that I have the chance to look after myself and my body while enjoying the summer! I will be sharing this gem with my two sisters!

  14. How good would these be, just perfect for the hotter days that are finally happening in Christchurch I would love to try the Passionfruit first I am always after new alcoholic options, a must for next weekend huh!! <3

  15. Pingback: Fit Friday: Where To Find At-Home Workouts - Makeupper
  16. I love all 3 flavours but lemon and lime is the one I love the most…I’d invite Kelly Greene and Shelly Bartlett cause we love these refreshing guilt free vodka drinks and it would go perfect with a bbq👌 #longwhitevodka

  17. lemon and lime definitely. There used to be a Vodka Brand (that I won’t name) that did Lemon & Lime and they discontinued it! I was so sad it was my favourite flavour, so I’m so excited a NZ brand has bought it back!

  18. I would buy passionfruit and I would invite my good friends Stephanie, Deahna and Paloma around for a BBQ!

  19. I would buy lemon and lime, love the refreshing citrus flavours! And I would invite my best friend Vanessa and her family 🙂

  20. Lemon & Lime for sure! I would invite my bridesmaids over for a bbq! Sharing Long White Vodka is caring!

  21. Pingback: Let's get physical! 5 No Equipment Workouts you can do at Home! - Bloggers Club
  22. Pingback: Let's get physical! 5 No Equipment Workouts you can do at Home! - nzgirl
  23. Lemon and lime flavour sounds like a bit of me
    I’d invite my mum and sisters over for a BBQ and all the kids can play too

  24. I would buy the raspberry flavour.. Nom nom nom definatly my fave! 😋 And at my BBQ I would have it with my beautiful hard working sister Colleen Dudley! We live in the same town but haven’t had a get together for over a month coz we both been soooo busy! Time for a catch up with some yummy long white vodka is a MUST!

  25. I would love to drink delicious lemon and lime white cloud whilst havving a bbq with my 2 besties tamara and ronnie xx

  26. Would buy the lemon and lime ones they are so refreshing, we would have our good friends Kendra and Cory over

  27. My amazing beautiful wife and I would love to try the passionfruit.
    We would invite a bunch of the friends so we can enjoy the last of the good weather.

  28. I would love to try the Lemon and Lime, sounds absolutely refreshing on the hot days we are having down here in Christchurch and I would invite my darling sister Natalie and her family for a BBQ

  29. Passion fruit and raspberry would be my pick. Jen Porritt and Mel Brownlie would be there and their partners. Of course we would work out on Caroline Bay first

  30. Passion fruit and raspberry shared with Jen Porritt and Mel Brownlie after exercising on Csroline Bau of course.

  31. I’d try the lemon and lime while the weather is still hot. Sounds refreshing. And a bbq with my bestie who’s heading back home to London next week.

  32. I would buy the lemon lime – they are my fave. I would share BBQ before the end of summer with Ange Thomson and Cheryl Mitchell

  33. Ooooh Raspberry please. I’ve heard alot about these. Would share the love with Marama Jolliffe and Irene Eades.

  34. Lemon and lime or passionfruit or both together! I’d share with my hubby and my bestie!

  35. If choose raspberry flavour and I’d have the school mums over for s bbq and the kids can play with there friends.

  36. Lemon and lime with Aimee and Brodie because Aimee told me about how yummy it is and Brodie lives around the corner from us both ao we couldn’t have a bbq without her 😜

  37. My friends Heidi, Michelle and I have just discovered these and are in love. I would share the lemon and lime with them 🙂

  38. Absolutelyt he Passionfruita and Raspberry. Nothing says summer more than passionfruit

  39. Looks so gud. Definitely raspberry
    And my family they live away from me I miss them and I’ve just had a new addition to the family for them to meet

  40. Raspberry to sure! I’ve been dying to try it but my local only had the other flavors 🙁
    I would invite all my girls round from out of town, have just moved towns so have no social circle around me so any excuse is a good excuse for the girls to come over 🙂

  41. Passion fruit!!! Or lemon & lime! Refreshing!! Be even better on a hot sunny day today❤

  42. The passionfruit got me through summer, I’d love to mix it up with the lemon and lime!

  43. Passionfruit please so refreshing out in this sunshine <3 Love that it is make with sparkling water too a healthier option

  44. I am a Passionfruit lover so that is the flavour for me. In my dreams I would invite Jon and Tico from Bon Jovi lol but realistically my partner Kevin and sis Sarah 🙂

  45. No kidding: Did the 5k Colour Run this morning and now relaxing with a long white lemon and lime!!

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