I’ve started putting together a few different workout programmes that can be done without expensive equipment and make use of either everyday items or items that you can find while out and about. Today I have a park bench workout for you. This workout is perfect for when you are out for a walk or for going to a playground and letting the kids loose on the playground while you get a workout done on a park bench.
The beauty of this workout is that if you can’t get outside to find a park bench you can do it indoors on a chair you have in your house. If you can’t find a park bench when you are out you will no doubt be able to find a ledge somewhere that is about park bench height that you can complete the workout on.
I love how easy it is to incorporate a number of different exercises into the park bench workout. Adding the park bench to the workout can either make an exercise harder or easier depending on the exercise. If you are not confident with any of the moves in this workout then feel free to leave it out or if I have given a way to make it easier then take that option until you are feeling confident to do the full workout. Remember the only person you are trying to be better than is yourself
Before you begin this park bench workout consider where you will do the workout – are you going to do it at home or is there a park (or bus stop ;)) nearby where you can walk or run there and back. When you find your park bench of choice please make sure it is stable, especially for the squat jumps, safety first!
Without further ado here is my park bench workout for you:
Begin by performing mountain climbers – putting your hands on the park bench like you are about to perform a pushup then bring your knees one at a time as close to your chest as possible. You can do this quickly as though you are running or slowly depending on your fitness level.
Since you are already in the push up position you will next move into performing 10 incline push ups against the park bench. If you struggle with these take a break when needed until you get all 10 done.
Next we move into tricep dips – you can perform these a couple of different ways. First begin by flipping yourself over from the pushup position and place your hands on the park bench with your back to the bench. You can then do the dips by either having your knees bent and at a 90 degree angle (easier) or by having your legs straight out in front of you (harder), you then simply dip down until you feel the stretch in your triceps and push yourself back up with your arms.
Moving into our lower body portion of the workout, side step ups are next. Stand beside the park bench so the bench is beside you and then with one leg step up on to the bench and bring the other leg up to follow it then step back down. You are wanting the one leg you step up with to do the majority of the work so don’t use your planted foot to push you up [no cheating mmmkay!]. Once you’ve completed 10 on this side, face the opposite direction and repeat with the other side.
Next come the squat jumps – or park bench jumps as they should be called in this instance. Facing the bench lower yourself down into a squatting position and then jump up on to the bench (this is why I wanted you to make sure the bench was stable first!). If jumping is a bit too hard for any reason at the moment the squat down and back up then step up on to the bench instead.
Now we move into the abdominal exercises. I’ll let you in on a little secret, I’m not a fan of ab exercises! But they are very important as strong abdominals assist you in everything you do! First we have lying leg raises lie down on the bench, put your hands over your head to hold on to the edge of the bench and simply lift your legs off the bench until they are straight up then slowly lower them down. Keeping the repetition slow and controlled helps to really engage the abdominals and will make you feel it quickly too.
Take yourself into a seated position on the edge of the park bench to perform your V crunches. Start sitting on the edge of the park bench with your hands holding on to the bench beside your thighs. Lift your legs upwards so you end up with a V shape between your torso and your legs and then slowly push your legs out in front of you until they are straight then pull them back in to form the V again. Here is a helpful video to show this exercise.
Lastly you are going to perform a wall sit. This is simply sitting in the squatting position for a length of time with your back against the wall (or back of the park bench in this instance!). Lower yourself down into the squatting position with 90 degree angles in your legs and hold for 30 seconds.
Now it’s time to take a little breather, have some water and then rinse and repeat! Repeat three times and time yourself and then try to beat your time each time you do it (safely though please!). If you are not sure on any of the exercises then have a look on youtube, or flick me a message or comment and I’ll find a video or images that will help
Have you ever done a park workout before? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this workout – please do comment and let me know.
What a GREAT concept! Much better than just vegging out and eating a hotdog…at least do the workout first!
Definitely, workout first. Hot dog second
I love the idea of using a park bench – or anything else that isn’t expensive equipment!
I’m trying to do a few different blog posts with non equipment workouts as I know it can be a pain getting equipment for some people. Glad you like it
Have bookmarked your page and will try this out. I would’ve loved to see a video though
This is a great post! People often think they need expensive equipment or gym memberships so thanks for reminding us all that we don’t!
Thanks for stopping by, While I love getting in the gym it’s totally not necessary to get a good workout in