Are you a black leggings person or a printed leggings person?? I always used to be a black leggings only person but have recently become a printed leggings person. Especially as I wear a black t-shirt for Bootcamp everyday, my…

Summer is speeding by fast and I’m sure we all wish it would slow down, yet we haven’t even made it to March as yet! There is still a lot of summer left which is fantastic news. February and March…

Today marks day 39 into a 60 day clean eating challenge I designed for myself. This isn’t the first time I’ve set myself a bit of a challenge like this, I’ve previously undertaken an elimination diet (which still has me…

It’s that time of year here in New Zealand, where all you want is a nice ice cream or ice block to help cool you down after a long hot summers day. I’ve talked about my sweet tooth on a…