It’s been a while since I’ve done a post about our first home. The good news is that we are finally living in it! We moved in a day before we’d owned it for 6 months (not even kidding!). There…
After posting about what being strong means earlier in the week I realised that I hadn’t actually done a recap of my latest powerlifting competition. So far it’s been the only powerlifting competition I have done this year and I…
Sponsored Post Being strong can mean so many different things, from being mentally strong to being physically strong and everything in between. I think we can all think about someone who is mentally a really strong person as well as…
So many of us experience unhappiness, insecurity, anger and frustration when it comes to our bodies and our own self perceptions. “If only I were taller, thinner, prettier or had more curves…” Stop beating yourself up! Stop wasting time and…
April came and went quicker than I had time to think about what month we were up to. Have you had the freakout that we are into May and it’s almost winter yet? Yep, I’ve already done that and come…