5 Ways your Cat can Improve your Health

Did you know that having a cat can actually improve your health? Like we needed an excuse to have a cat right? And if you don’t own one, don’t worry as cat cafes are becoming a thing (there is one…

Satay Chicken Noodle Salad Recipe

There is something about Satay Chicken, I’m not exactly sure what it is, – (I’m picking it’s just because I love peanut butter), but I am a sucker for satay! I must admit it’s not actually something I’ve made very…

Things I Love October 2016

Each month (when I remember, and have the time!) I take a look back at the month that has been and write about some of the things that happened, or that I tried and I loved each month! October has seen…

Oceania Powerlifting Championship 2016 Selection

I am very excited to announce on the blog that I made the B team for the Asia/Oceania Powerlifting Championship which is being held in Christchurch in December 2016! Considering I didn’t think I would even be doing Nationals this…