So maybe you want to know what the numbers mean, maybe not. If not stop reading! 25 is the number of years my parents have been married for at the end of this month. 122 is the number of days…

Monday; 30 mins gym, 3/4 Indoor Netball Game Tuesday; 30 mins gym, 5km walk Wednesday; 30 mins gym, 40mins Wii Biggest Loser workouts as it was raining. Thursday; Driving to Taupo – Big fat 0. Friday; None Saturday; None Sunday;…

So I finally did my weigh and measure at the gym today, my last one was the 28th December so just over two months ago. I have been consistently 61kg on the Curves scales and started with my total cm…

So this is my 100th post! Woo! I actually didn’t think i’d get to that many posts cas I like to start stuff then get bored after a few months! My apologies for the boring posts lately, I don’t have…

Monday; 3/4 Game Indoor Netball Tuesday; Nothing Wednesday; 30mins at the gym, 3/4 Twilight Netball Game Thursday; 2km Walk ** Friday; Nothing – Went camping and walked to the beach a couple of times though, maybe 2km Saturday; Nothing Sunday;…