I went to the gym this morning even though it was incredibly cold (does it feel like winter where you are??) and staying in bed seemed like a much better idea. I would have left it until lunch except I…

Isn’t it a Beautiful day today here in the River City! Way too nice to be stuck inside, unfortunately that is life… Whats the weather like where you are?

– My parents have been married 25 years today! – We won netball last night, putting us in the finals! (Only the second game we’ve won this season too!) – Using my new cup at work (It’s got red on…

Monday; 3/4 Indoor Netball Game Tuesday; 30mins at the gym, 10mins on Spin Bike (Intended on doing 30 but my legs wouldn’t do any more) Wednesday; 30 mins at gym, Twilight Netball Thursday; 30 mins at the gym, 4.7km Run/Walk…

So this pretty much sums up this weekend, it’s also the first weekend we havn’t had anything planned for, for ages, or over the coming 6 weeks or so. Meet my new spin bike!! I also spent a stupid number…