Invent a course that every high school student should have to take. To me this is a no brainer! We do not teach enough basic financial education at schools at all, no wonder everyone went out and borrowed as much…
If work was cancelled for some reason, today I would head straight out to mum and dads which is by the beach. I would go for a long walk down the beach as the sun is shining. Yeah ok, not…
Each Saturday morning that we are not out of town we tend to go for a walk around town or around the river, it’s nice and relaxing and helps us realise that we do live in a pretty city, even…
Today’s post comes to you courtesy of Plinky – a website that gives a random question everyday that you are supposed to answer on their website. Stumbled on this site today – not on stumble upon just literally stumbled on it! (Hah!)…
Day 1’s Post a Day is to; List three countries you’d like to visit, and why you want to go. Really only three countries??? Anyone who know’s me even a little knows I live to travel so this is kind…