Each year I set a few goals for myself and this year I have a reasonable list, however I am realistic in knowing that I may only achieve a few of them due to time constraints from #1. With that…

Raffles Hotel is an institution in Singapore, to be honest I’m not really sure why! I’m not big on history so tend to not look up stuff like that and only learn cool tid bits of information if other people tell…

Oh what I wouldn’t give to have awesome skin like that ^! Ok lovely ladies (and gents? if there are any out there!) I need some advice, I’ve gotten to the point that I have had enough with my skin…

We landed in Singapore a couple of days ago but I have been lazy! Thought it was about time I put up a quick post. Here are some of my snaps for your viewing pleasure 😉 Will write a better…

What ever it is you said you would do, Just do it! Totally on the money quote!! What have you been putting off until tomorrow? I think mine is saving & getting rid of these pesky 10kg, time to Just…