As per usual I have set myself a few goals/things I want to accomplish in the upcoming year. I have a feeling 2013 is going to be a hell of a year! It seems timely to post this over the…

I have never been as excited for a concert as I am for this. Pat Freaking Benetar! I actually squealed and jumped up and down a little bit when I found out that she is coming to New Zealand and…

31 more days until life can resume as normal. What is normal though? I haven’t had normality in a very long time. Watch this space, there will be more blog posts, more tweeting and a heng of a lot more…

I had my first hour-long appointment for my root canal this morning, the numbness has finally worn off and I’m not feeling too bad. I had high hopes for doing some decent blog posts, that ain’t happening. Instead I’ve been…

Blegh, I randomly started getting toothache on Tuesday night and didn’t think much of it silently hoping that all would be well after a good nights sleep. Turns out it really wasn’t! Wednesday morning saw me calling the dentist and…