October Exercise Wrap-up

It’s the end of October already so you know what that means! My monthly exercise wrap-up post! 

If this segment seems new to you basically at the end of each month I do a quick wrap-up post of my monthly exercise. This serves as a bit of a reminder for me of what I did and how my body was feeling so I can readjust if necessary as well as a bit of motivation [I hope!] for you lovely readers. You can see previous wrap-ups here if you are interested. 

I’m a bit sad to say that indoor netball is finishing for good, we have played our last game at the Newmarket courts this month and we only have a semi final and hopefully a final which are going to be played elsewhere (read a pain in the butt to get too straight after work), so we will not be entering the next league.

Netball is something I really enjoy, in fact when I was in Wanganui I was playing four games a week for a while there and loved it! I’m not too sure what I’m going to do in replacement for netball, maybe a class at the gym, maybe go back to a four day a week gym split or maybe just use it as a training day for the triathlon?! 

monthly exercise wrap up move love eat

1st – Upper body at the gym
2nd – Legs at the gym (I had DOM’s for a few days after this, oh my quads!)
3rd – Rest
4th – Rest
5th – Back @ Gym (Different gym to usual as the power was out at ours!)
6th – Game of indoor netball.
7th – Upper body @ Gym
8th – Rest
9th – Legs @ Gym
10th – Back @ Gym
11th – Walk to, from and up Mt Hobson
12th – Rest
13th – Game of Indoor Netball
14th – Upper body @ Gym
15th – Walk around the Domain
16th – Legs @ Gym
17th – Rest
18th – Back @ Gym (New Deadlift PB!)
19th – Rest
20th – Game of Indoor Netball & Upper Body at the Gym
21st – Short walk around the Domain
22nd – Lower Body at the Gym
23rd – Rest
24th – Random Gym Workout – Bench Press, Deadlifts, Clean & Press, Kettlebell snatches and chest press.
25th – 19km Bike Ride – from home to the Summit of Mt Wellington and back! Upper body @ Gym.
26th – Rest
27th – Walk up Mangere Mountain & Mt St John
28th – Lower Body at the gym (a lot of single legged stuff, my glutes were fried!)
29th – Short walk around the domain
30th – Rest
31st – Lower Body at the Gym. 

You may have noticed that there are less rest days than usual this month and a few additional walks around the domain, I found this was quite a nice way to unwind for the day without putting much stress on the body so I think I will try to continue with this. 

How did your exercise fare in October?? – Comment and let me know, I love hearing from you! 🙂