Beginners Workout: New to Fitness

So you’ve made a decision you want to be a bit more active, dabble in a spot of exercise or even just ‘tone’ up for summer. With this beginners workout you will be well on your way to achieving any of those goals! 


I have made this beginners workout a no equipment workout (other than things you will find in your house) as I figure most people who are new to exercise won’t have dumbbells or any other equipment lying around waiting to be used. Let’s face it if you did at one point you have probably since sold it on trade me or ebay! 

There is never really a good time to start working out so just make some time and get started! This beginners workout has been designed for those who have not done a lot of exercise recently, as always if you have any injuries or illnesses which may affect working out please consult with a professional first. 

Beginners Workout

beginners workout using no equipment from move love eat

Begin by warming up and stretching for a few minutes and then launch into this beginners workout (don’t worry it shouldn’t take too long :))

We all know what a pushup looks like (if not check out a wall pushup here), you are going to perform this against a wall which makes it a lot easier and perfect for a beginner! If you find this too easy then progress to pushups on the ground. 

Next move in to body weight squats. The aim here is to get down low, but to begin with you may not be able too. Do the best you can and keep an eye on your knees here you don’t want them to be wobbling inwards or outwards. I often notice newbies (or even people who have been doing it for longer!) watching themselves squat in the mirror and watching their butt, while this does help you see how low you are going in your squat it does not show what your knees are doing and getting this right from the beginning is crucial! (This is a pretty good squat FYI). 

Standing twists are just like you would imagine (here is an example of a standing twist), simply stand up and twist slowly from side to side as much as you can. You should be able to feel a slight pull but not any pain. Take your time doing this and don’t thrash about, you are not a washing machine. If you find this too easy then grab a household item (any items will do) and hold it in front of you while you do the twisting. 

Tricep dips can be a little bit trickier than the other exercises which is why I have only given you 10, if you can knock out 10 easily do another 5-10 of them. You may struggle to go very far down on the dip portion of the exercise in the beginning and that is fine, just do what you can and work on getting the full range of motion. (here is an example of a tricep dip).

Everyone knows what bicep curls are (if not this is a good example), grab a couple of tins of food or drink bottles (with water in them!), just make sure they are the same weight, and perform the movement. In the beginning do 10 each side for a total of 20 and work your way up to being able to do 20 each arm. 

If you try this beginners workout I’d love it if you let me know and use the hashtag #MLENewbie, I’d love to hear what you thought, after you’ve caught your breath of course (I kid, mostly!). 

What does your current exercise plan look like? Nadda, sporadic or schedule in?

5 thoughts on “Beginners Workout: New to Fitness

  1. I have been doing jack sh*t lately. Oops. I love that your work out requires nothing too special and not too much room to exercise in. I have pinned it for later (well hopefully sooner rather than later). Thanks!

      1. Will do! I have been doing a lot of walking (I invested in a FitBit) so I’m trying to get some variety in as well! Hopefully it won’t be too long before I see some results.

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