I jumped on the Heart Rate Monitor bandwagon after hearing everyone (Leah & Jane) rave on about them!
So my new baby needs a name! I’m not very creative and I may forget it’s name as soon as it has one but that’s not the point!
I took this puppy on a 45min walk last night (the same route I run when I do approx 5km) and managed to burn 204 calories, 26g of fat (I guess thats what it means when it says fat?!) with an average heart rate of 119 and max of 143.
Meet Beurer PM 25 (excuse the horrid photo)
What do you think I should call him?
YAY! Welcome to the very addictive HR world! Mine is called Harry (the hardout)…and I have heard of them called Polly (the Polar)…so your’s could be Barry? Bazza? Betty? hehehe
I’m excited to use it more now! I was thinking something with B, some good suggestions! Will have to sleep on it!