I’m always curious as to what supplements other people are taking, especially those who participate in powerlifting, so I thought it would be nice to do a post on my supplement routine. This post will include all of the supplements I am currently using and why I am taking them as well as where you can purchase them from.
The fact that I’m even taking any supplements is something that has surprised me, as I can’t swallow tablets which makes it more difficult and I’ve always been a less is more kind of person and never really gotten on the supplement and vitamin bandwagon.
Without further ado, here are the supplements I am currently using.
// Vitamin D3
When I discovered that studies have proven that Vitamin D is effective in increasing strength I was sold. All I needed to do was locate a chewable or powder form, I discovered chewable Vitamin D3 available on Iherb so I picked some up and have been using it every day for the last month or so. The day I started taking these I happened to get a PB, but I haven’t had another one since so I’m not going to pretend it was definitely the Vitamin D We get Vitamin D from the sun so in the winter months especially it can be beneficial to use a supplement.
// Magnesium Spray
I’ve been using Magnesium spray for a few months now, Kyle has been using it for a lot longer. I used to have terrible trouble getting to sleep, or would wake up in the night and not be able to get back to sleep. Since using a high grade magnesium spray I have been able to get to sleep a lot better. I still have the occasional night where it is difficult to get to sleep. However if I put the magnesium on half an hour or so before I want to go to sleep, by the time bedtime comes around I am struggling to keep my eyes open and go to sleep a lot faster. I got my magnesium spray from Blants.
// Fulvic
We have been watching a lot of documentaries the past few months about farming and the state of our soil so when the opportunity came up to try NZfulvic I knew I would give it a go straight away. Fulvic has been known to improve gut health and therefore the immune functions. Fulvic acids contains a number of nutrients which nourish the digestive tract and assist in boosting good bacteria. You can purchase Fulvic HERE.
I use Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) almost every day, largely because it helps me to drink a lot more water than I would otherwise and also because BCAAs stimulate protein synthesis and reduce the rate of protein breakdown which is a fancy way of saying that we won’t lose muscle. Protein breaks down into amino acids which are more readily absorbed into the bloodstream. I purchase my BCAAs online from IHerb as I find it is a lot cheaper than getting the equivalent here in New Zealand.
// Creatine
Creatine is great for enhancing recovery and increases muscle strength and size. While I can’t say I’ve noticed an increase in size or recovery, it’s one of those supplements that I’d rather take as it has been scientifically proven to work. I add an unflavored creatine to my BCAA which I take one a day. The Creatine I have is a bit grainy tasting so I can’t handle it by itself. I purchase my creatine from Iherb.
// Protein Powder
I used to have protein powder quite frequently, but the last year or so it has been something I have been using less and less of. I am finding that I can generally get my protein needs from food and don’t require supplementation, however on the odd occasion I will use it. Generally I will add some protein powder to rolled oats for a quick breakfast, or just have a protein shake. I either purchase my protein powder from Bodybuilding.co.nz or Iherb.
// Guarana
On workout days where I complete my workout in the morning (generally 1 -2 days a week max) I will sometimes add a little bit of Guarana powder into my workout drink. Guarana works as a natural pre-workout to give you a little extra boost of energy, there is no other real reason for this other than the fact I have guarana in the cupboard at the moment and it does help me feel a bit more alert during the day. You can purchase guarana powder from health stores.
At the moment this is all I use, partly because I can’t swallow tablets! I am going to look into potentially adding Zinc and Fish Oil into my routine once I find a suitable powder or chewable tablet form that doesn’t cost the earth.
~~ WIN ~~
To be in the draw to win a month’s supply of NZfulvic, simply comment below and let me know what supplements you currently use (if any).
This post was made possible thanks to NZfulvic, as always content ideas and opinions are my own.
At the moment – healtheries women’s multi vitamin and magnesium
An insomniac for years, I am trying to wean myself off prescribed sleeping aids and get into a more natural routine. The magnesium spray sounds magical!!
The magnesium spray sounds awesome, might need to give that a try
I take Ferrograd iron tablets since I’m vegetarian and also vitamin c tablets.
I take B12, Magnesium, Folate and Bilberry!!
I take a multi in the morning, bcaas pre workout and protein powder with glutamine postworkout
Berocca kick starts to give me a boost.
I drink a healtheries Boost tab (similar to berocca) each morning with an iron tab, and fish oil. That Magnesium spray sounds amaze, might need to get me some
I am using Evening Primrose Oil at the moment
I use a multi vitamin and mineral and magnesium for leg cramps at night. Seems to be helping.
I take Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina Balance capsules. The Blants Magnesium Oil Spray sounds great, I had a look at their website. I had not heard of Blants before, so thank you, Amanda
I use a probioticas, multivitamins, hair skin and nails and magnesium and iron supplements, would totally love to try fulvic

At the moment I’m using Elevit for breastfeeding but normally I use multi vitamin
Magnesium. To help with rest
Have been using Vitamin B but have run out! As well as multivitamins.
I really need to get my shit together and start supplementing. Fulvic sounds like a good tonic to start with
I currently use 30 plus but need to add to this and your article has helped, Thank you
Magnesium, protein powder most days, sometimes I take pre-workout if I’m planning on having a long sesh at the gym.
Magnesium, protein in my shakes, pre-workout occasionally, iron and… metamucil haha, but seriously it was life changing for me.
Right now I can barely remember to take my daily multi vitamin, but thanks for the reminder about how important it is to take care of myself.
I don’t take any supplements. I’m sure I need to, but I can never remember to take them. I do try to eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.
I would like to get some of that magnesium spray. My husband has trouble sleeping. He is a very light sleeper and wakes up exhausted. He cannot take any oral sleep aid because it contradicts his other medications. I’m going to give this a go. Sad though that Blant’s is on their Christmas holiday and won’t deliver until after January 9th.
Since I have hit my 40’s I take my Vit D and Calcium religiously. I have never heard of Magnesium spray. I need to check this out for my insomniac husband.
I really need to get back to taking more supplements. I felt so much healthier. I don’t know why it’s so easy to get off track.
I use Sculpt Protein Powder after a good workout, and sporadically I use women’s multi-vitamins, but I tend to forget about them which is a bit of a pain.
I’m thinking of taking magnesium.
at the moment i am not taking any and i think i should be
I’m currently taking magnesium tablets at night for sleep but the spray may be next after my tablets run out after reading this, Zinc for skin health and immunity and a high grade Omega 3
I don’t use any at the moment but would LOVE to try them!
I currently don’t use a supplement (was using Executive B but it ran out). I get a bit overwhelmed by what I should choose next
You really don’t know what you are missing until you start taking supplements. I couldn’t believe what one multivitamin a day did for my overall health.
I only take a multi vitamin at the moment, should probably look into supplements more
I’m taking centrum at the moment but I’m not sure that it’s doing anything. I’ve n never heard of fulvic before but I’ve just finished a course of antibiotics so it sounds like something I could do with
I’ve not gotten there yet. I’ve been thinking about trying out weight lifting. I need to get into fitness and I want to try something different. I need to learn a bit more about supplements.
I’m going to have to take a look into that BCAA. I need to drink more water and that sounds like it may be exactly what I need. Thanks for sharing all these!
Vitamin D is really amazing. I had nonexistent Vitamin D at the beginning of this year, and I was in horrible joint pain. After taking a very high prescription dose now for months, my body is no longer aching.
I have been hearing so much about magnesium as a supplement lately. I need to look into it.
Awesome list of your supplement routine. I have always wanted to try BCAA but haven’t get around to try. After reading your post. I’m thinking of getting one soon
I’ve never heard of these supplements. I need to read more about them, thanks for the heads up!!
Magnesium for better sleep and muscle recovery
I really need to get better at this supplement thang. Lol. Especially supplements that aid in not getting colds. I fee like my kids and I always have colds.
vitamin d
I am currently taking a Multivitamin with Vitamin D and a Vitamin B Complex. My husband takes Saw Palmetto and a joint supplement.
I have to be honest, I don’t really have much of a supplement routine, but that is something that I’ve been looking into more as I get older. I love looking at other people’s routine and suggestions to see what is working for them.
Great list of supplements! I had no idea magnesium came in a spray form…I need to get that!! I also take a ton of vitamin D, you can never get too much of it!
I have anemia that is brought on by vitamin deficiencies, so vitamin intake is very important. I should really look into more supplements and ways to get even more vitamins into my system. It really looks like you’ve got it down!
At this time I’m not taking anything but have been meaning to pick up Vitamin D for the entire family.
I really need to try BCAA. My doctor keeps on me all the time because I don’t drink enough water.
One of my major goals for 2017 is to take more supplements! I’ll check out yours because I had no clue where to really start! This is great, thanks for sharing!
I take supplements on a regular basis especially at this time of the year.
Great Post! Im currently trying out the BePure Range…Ive heard good things. Hoping to get my energy levels back up :):)
I take vit c and also vit b for energy
I use Viamin B and protein powder.
I have trouble sleeping …the magnesium sounds pretty amazing.
I’ve been using supplements from BePure, their multi and fish oils are amazing.
Hemp seed oil tablets to help with my skin, hair and nails. Plus it also helps with my inner balance and energy levels.
I currently take magnesium, it really helps with muscle cramps
Protein powder when working out and on occasion a woman’s multi vitamin
I use evening primrose, a multivitamin, a probiotic, x50 green tea and red seal protein powder.
Currently I take a greens powder, protein powder and olive leaf
but would love to try some other supplements to keep me in balance 
Ahhh I’ve heard heaps about this product and am going to try it in 2017, I also want to try bullet proof coffee supplement and the one you said helps aids digestion.
I take fish oil and vit C daily
I currently use Magnesium and Vitamin C and St John’s Wort
I use Biosphere Magnesium to help me sleep at night – it is dissolving and comes in handy sachets.
I take magnesium. I’m going to look into the BCAAs and the Fulvic I think. Both of these sound like they’d be of benefit to me!
I would love to try fulvic I currently take good green stuff from nuzest and and the be pure range by Ben Warren.
I am currently taking Harker herbals general tonic and go healthy probiotics. I am also looking for a supplement for my digestive system as I’ve had issues lately. I am keen to give NZFULVIC a try.
Magnesium, probiotics, heal your gut powder and evening primrose oil! All to deal with side effects of endometriosis and the years of surgery and medications. Also add a vegan protein powder with extra probiotics most days because it’s hard for me to get enough protein!
Magnesium and Vitamin D
Magnesium, iron, b vitamins complex, fish oil, cranberry tabs
Lots to balance minerals while I get on top of gut healing. Favourites mag glycinate and iodine. Would love to try fulvic acid – have heard great things about it.
Thanks so much for the interesting article. My daughter battles to fall asleep at night. I am going to look into getting her a supplement for this. The NZfulvic sounds amazing. A whole lot of supplement rolled into one. I am not taking much at the moment. Every so often I will take vitamin C. On occasion I will give the family that as well and add berrocca.
Magnesium but may be taking more after my first consultation with endocrinologist next week
I am taking Wheatgrass and fish oils..I would love to win some!
Currently Centrum Multi Gummies Adult vitamins and minerals for over all health, Magnesium when i do a lot of physical work. Looking for a gut health product NZfulvic sounds great, keen to try.
I don’t use any but really should since hubby has conjestive heart failure and I have MS
Nothing at the moment, but I really should be
My supplement intake will vary depending on the style of training im doing. Generally it consists of protein powder, magnesium, women’s multi vitamin, garlic-vitamin c-echinacea-zinc, and I have on the occasion preworkout, I also rotate creatine or fat burners depending on my current goals
I take D3, B12, and I use a magnesium cream to help with sleep and chronic pain
Zinc, magnesium and daily Restore Bone Broth
When i remember: dolomite, epo and mg spray! Must remember!
I dont take any but am very new to the health and fitness scene. i need to drop pounds so i can be healthier. and stop having headaches!
I’m learning to be careful with supplements… our bodies are in a delicate state of balance and easy to throw off one thing by taking another. I take magnesium, but balance it with potassium and sodium. MSm powder has been wonderful or any aching, bee pollen for most b vitamins and cod liver oil. Didn’t know there were nz sourced fulvic, that’s super exciting! I’m very keen to investigate this supplement
Hi this sounds really interesting I’m always into anything that improves gut health. I’ve just finished a year of cancer treatment and my main goal now is to make my gut as healthy and strong as it can be!
Forgot to mention I also take vit d, mag spray and liver tonic