Where have the months gone, they seem to be flying by at the moment. Which isn’t a bad thing as I don’t know about anyone else but I am well and truly ready for a break! Bring on summer and the close down period at work! AND we are going to Vietnam for three weeks, so much excitement!
Without further ado here are the workouts I got through this month:
1st –Legs @ Gym
2nd – Game of indoor netball
3rd – Walk for an hour (Had an injured wrist mysteriously hence the few days off the gym in a row! as well as travelling home for the weekend, it’s been a while since I’ve had that many days off in a row, but feeling good now)
4th – Rest
5th – Rest
6th – Lower Body – Squats, Reverse Lunges & Deadlifts
7th – Upper Body @ Gym
8th – Lower Body @ Gym
9th – Game of indoor netball
10th – Rest
11th – Upper Body @ Gym & 10 minutes on the stair master (It was an ‘I need some cardio’ day to sweat out frustration).
12th – Legs – Squats, Reverse Lunges & Deadlifts
13th – Rest (Watched the boy at the NABBA Nationals!)
14th – Rest
15th – Upper Body @ Gym
16th – Game of indoor netball
17th – Lower Body @ Gym
18th – Upper Body @ Gym
19th – Rest
20th – Legs – Squats, Reverse Lunges & Deadlifts (New PB on squats!)
21st – Upper Body @ Gym
22nd – Rest
23rd – Game of Indoor Netball & Short run – 5km (to check I can still run 5km as doing a Corporate Challenge soon)
24th- Lower Body @ Gym
25th – Upper Body @ Gym
26th – Rest
27th – Cycling around Waiheke – about 3 hours cycling all up, there are some long hills there!)
28th – Lower Body @ Gym
29th – Upper Body @ Gym
30th – Game of Indoor Netball
31st – Rest
All in all a pretty good month, it actually feels like a long time ago I hurt my wrist so was a surprise to see that at the top of the list.
How did your exercise fare this month?
Are you doing anything exciting this summer?
I’ve been taking baby steps and have really been enjoying being motivated to be more active thanks to my fitbit
I don’t want to jinx it but I think I’ve lost my first kilo! I’m aiming for the loss of half a kilo per week – on track so far! I’ve been much more disciplined with my calorie intake and walking with girls from the mothers’ group when I can. I have a great mini goal of losing 2 more kg before my brother in law’s wedding just after Christmas – wish me luck!
That’s a good sustainable goal, just keep doing the little things like adding in an extra walk every now and again and enjoy using the fit it for motivation and you’ll get there!
Wow that’s hardcore! I’ve mostly been going for walks and cycling -I find the gym too boring
I really hope you enjoy Vietnam, I’ve heard nothing but good things!