Do you often find that you receive way too many ‘junk’ e-mails or e-mails that you subscribed too a long time ago that you never open these days? Perhaps you are still getting the daily deal e-mails for a city you no longer live in?
It’s something that can get frustrating but also takes time and effort to go into each e-mail and click the unsubscribe button and the associated clicking of buttons or re-entering your email address to finally become unsubscribed.
I stumbled across a website which can greatly minimize the amount of junk you are receiving – and it’s FREE!
Enter – all you need to do is enter your e-mail address and click that you allow it access to see your inbox etc and then wait a minute or two while it finds all the items you have been subscribed too.
On my first attempt I used my hotmail (which I have had since I first ever joined the interwebs – maybe 12-13 years ago) which I am cautious not too sign up to too much junk with so didn’t think there would be too many subscriptions – to my surprise it found a total of 89 subscriptions! A lot of which were outdated and I never open these days anyway, or hardly ever received e-mail from.
Then I put my gmail account through it’s paces (an account I have only had for about 6-7 years) and often sign up to competitions and free e-books etc which I like the sound of and then find I already know the information or the information doesn’t relate to what I wanted to know. found 154 subscriptions of which I quickly unsubscribed to A LOT of them!
Once it has discovered how many subscriptions you have you just need to click through to the next page and hit the unsubscribe button beside each of the newsletters you no longer want to clutter your inbox and once you have been through the list click the complete button and it stops you getting these e-mails!
Just like magic! I’m sure this isn’t the only app of it’s type out there but it definitely saves a lot of time compared to unsubscribing the traditional way! I especially like to get my inbox as clear as possible in the lead up to the new year and when I am going overseas as there’s nothing worse than thinking you will quickly check your e-mail whilst overseas to find you have 200 e-mails and you only actually want to read 2-3 of them!
Time will tell if I have actually been unsubscribed from these lists or if they just get deleted but overall I don’t really care so long as I’m not getting them all in my inbox all the time.
How often do you delete e-mails you should really unsubscribe too?
You’re amazing! Thank you SO much for sharing! I only had 19 subscriptions on my hotmail and 52 on my gmail (which I try to keep away from junk!) Cleaning them all up is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while and it was so easy!
I’m glad it was helpful for someone else as well!
Oh how clever. I find that mine is often cluttered -more so now that Christmas is coming up. My terrible FOMO (fear of missing out) means that I’m subscribed to way more junk mail than I really should!