I came across a group on Spark People today – it’s called the slowest loser. Kind of like the biggest loser, but focusing on taking this one step at a time so that you don’t go all out for a few weeks then fall back into the same lifestyle you had been leading up until that point.
I really like the thread they have going about ‘How I paid the price today’, it asks those in the group to log on once a day and make a short post about what they did that day to ‘pay the price’ to help them towards their goals.
Examples are things like;
– Drinking lots of water
– Getting up early to go to that zumba class
– Only eating one square of chocolate when that craving was too bad to ignore
– Cooking all three meals for the day
– Turning up the intensity in spin class.
All nice easy things that make the difference, that we should be sharing with each other and being proud of our choices. These choices may only be small but they all add up and help to slowly change your actions into those that are more representative of the lifestyle you want to lead.
This doesn’t only apply to weight loss, healthy eating and good exercise choices, you can apply it to any of your goals in life.
Let’s celebrate some of those little things that we do each day to reach our goals! Like the saying goes, slow and steady wins the race (or slow and steady keeps the weight off).
What little things have you done this week to take you one step closer to your goals?
I like that way of looking at life
Same here
It’s all well and good to focus on the bigger things, but all the little things sure do add up