Life: Fatigue Mystery Solved

Remember this post about my mystery fatigue…?

Turn’s out I am not Iron deficient, nor am I B12 deficient, my bleeding time is perfectly normal as is my thyroid function. In fact all the tests that were taken with my bloods came back perfectly normal.

Which is a little frustrating when you spent a weekend couped up in bed with no energy yet otherwise feeling perfectly fine (AKA it was not a cold or flu!).

After discussion with the Doctor about the things going on in my life and reassuring her I was not depressed along with review of the side affects of the Jadelle Implant (oh yeah, got that around the same time I started getting more bruising and exercising more) it appears that fatigue is a common side effect.

It looks as though it was a huge coincidence that I crashed not too long after stopping taking the Iron tablets. It appears as though it was too much exercise combined with a spike in hormones from the Implant and what was probably around about the time I would usually get my period (haven’t had that since the end of December – another common side effect of the implant – although this is a welcome one ;))

The implant is a slow release hormone which doesn’t necessarily release the same amount of hormone each day, one day I could have a lot more hormones rushing around my body than the day (or days) before. This combined with my bodies own natural hormones seem to have caused my body to shut down and just want to sleep.

The doctors advice was to decide if I wanted it removed or not as it is very very likely the cause of the fatigue. As this was the first time since November (when I got the implant) that I’ve had any major issues I have decided to keep the implant in for now. However if I start having that kind of fatigue more frequently I will be getting it taken out ASAP.

By the time I had gotten back to the doctors for the results of my tests I was feeling back to normal again and aside from a few tired days resulting from lack of sleep (perhaps a whole new blog post there!) I have been feeling back to normal since.

Whilst it was annoying having to pay for two doctors visits and get a blood test to find out that there really wasn’t anything wrong with me it is nice to have some answers and know I need to be careful if I start feeling fatigued and give myself some rest.

One thought on “Life: Fatigue Mystery Solved

  1. I’m glad you got answers. There is nothing worse than not knowing what’s going on in your own body! I found that out while I was pregnant! I’ve never had so many blood tests in all my life!
    Hope that your fatigue subsides.

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