Next in the series of Inspiring People we have Jane. Jane is one half of the fabulous Kettlebelles and Cookies Duo.
I first met Jane quite a few years back at a tweetup (twitter meetup), she also talked me in to a trip to Thailand many years ago ;). Jane is also in the accounting industry (see not all accountants are boring and very interested in many different sports and fitness.
Take it away Jane…
Hi I’m Jane, I work full time as a business consultant at PwC and in the last year have found crossfit and absolutely love it! I have always been interested in sports and fitness, swimming competitively until my second year of university, as well as playing indoor netball, running, waterpolo, hockey, dragonboating… all the things.
What’s your approach to balance & moderation in life (and/or food)?
This I would say is a work in progress. I religiously exercise in the morning to give me my energy for the day. I’m not the same if I don’t exercise in the morning (seriously, how do people get out of bed just to go to work?! anyway, save that conversation for another day). Food is the bit I am working on. Mainly, setting aside the time to prepare meals and snacks so I eat well during a busy day at work. I know when I eat healthy nutritious food I perform better work, training, have more energy and generally a more positive outlook on life. I just need to make sure I actually do it, or I can go ages without eating, or, eat convenience food (ie: not nutritious).
What was your first experience with CrossFit?
This goes WAY back. It would’ve been about 3 or so years ago, myself and Leah (Naturally Leah) brought a 4 trip concession card to try out crossfit at “My crossfit” (which is now Central Wellington Crossfit – that I now go to). Leah and I went along, it was all very weird and we had no idea what we were doing. I’m not very good at doing things I’m not good at (we did snatch and wall balls if I remember correctly) so I didn’t stick at it, and neither did Leah, but looking back now I really wish I had. Fast forward 2 years and a good swimming friend of mine started at Crossfit Central Wellington and so I did too. The rest as they say, is history. And to this day I wish I had started earlier. Better late than never though!
What would you say to people who are intimidated by the image of CrossFit?
Leave your ego at the door (yes, boys, there will be girls lifting more weight than you to start out with).
No-one starts out being awesome. You will not be the most unfit there. Definitely don’t think you have to be fit to start.
The coaches will teach you everything you need to know in a safe environment. Everyone who looks “crazy awesome” and intimidating had to start somewhere.
Can you recall your most brutal workout?
So many. Most recently it would have to be the crossfit open workout 14.5.
This was 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Of thrusters @ 30kg and burpees jumping over the bar. NEVER AGAIN.
Or, a crazy long one we did once when the coach who was taking the class didn’t turn up. It was the first one back after new years, so everyone was already feeling a bit shabby. It was:
EVA (crossfit workouts are named after “girls”)
5 rounds for time of:
800m run
30 kettlebell swings
30 pullups
It took about 44mins – yuck.
Also, I hate running (yes, that’s 4km of running) and by the last round of pull ups my hands were pretty ripped up.
Good way to sweat out Christmas and New Years.
What is your favourite exercise to do?
Deadlifts or clean and jerk. Or burpees. I know, I’m a weirdo for that one…
What is your favourite healthy food/recipe?
Hmm, well, I’m not much of a chef… so I would have to say my go to after a long day when I have limited time is an omelette. 2 eggs with whatever veges I have in the fridge to go in the middle
What is your number one tip for those who want to live a healthier life?
I have a few – but the top would be to eliminate/reduce processed foods and add more veges into your life.
And also,
Do something you can stick to. Find what works for you.
No point saying you are going to “eat only protein” or “exercise 6 times a week” if 2 weeks later you end up binging on chocolate and chips or not exercising at all one week because you got busy.
What’s your current fitness/health goal?
So many. Right now the closest goals I have are for a comp at the end of May. I need to lose a few kgs (your score is based on body weight) and lift a few more kgs. At the comp I would LOVE to be able to squat 90kg, clean and jerk 75kg and bench press 70kg.
What is one piece of workout equipment or clothing that you swear by?
Lulu Lemon run swiftly singlets.
What are your favourite healthy living blogs/websites or tools? – great articles. – crossfit related articles, tips and tricks.
Youtube – The best way to learn new crossfit skills.
What’s your long-term fitness/health goal?
I have some pretty specific crossfit goals I want to achieve, but mainly this year is about getting crazy fit, strong and working on all my skills.
Thank you so much Jane! Some fantastic tips and advice!
You can find Jane in the following places:
Kettlebells & Cookies Blog
What she said about work/life balance is so true! I think everyone struggles with that. I know that I struggle with feeling guilty that I should be working out at a certain time when life gets in the way.