Inspiring People Interview: Kate from Lovingly, Kate

Next in our Inspiring People series is the awesome Kate who is the blogger and designer behind Lovingly, Kate. Kate was the amazing designer behind my new logo and header (at the top!). Kate has also undergone an amazing health and fitness journey which has led her to loose 30 Kilos. She has done this over a couple of years and in the process made a lifestyle change where she can literally have her cake and eat it too.  

Kate from Lovingly, Kate lost 30kg
Hey team! I’m Kate from Lovingly, Kate and I’m currently trying to make a name for myself as a graphic designer. When I’m not doing that, I’m hanging out with my lovely man and trying to make my life a healthier one.

Tell us about your lifestyle prior to taking on a healthy lifestyle…
Well, I think the biggest thing was that I just didn’t really care what I was putting into my body. Food was something delicious, not fuel, and I would eat what I wanted rather than what I needed. I wasn’t doing much exercise, I was going out and drinking and I was eating a lot of takeaways.

And your lifestyle now…
Now, things have changed. I’m exercising a lot more (and totally loving how it makes my body feel.) I’ve cut down on the takeaways and I’m making sure that the food I put into my body is a lot healthier and nutritious.

What was it that made you make a change?
I never really knew my weight. The only times would be when I went to the doctor and they made me jump on the scales so I think I was a bit deluded when it came to my size. When I got on the scales in August 2012 and saw a three digit number, it was a huge shock and wake up call. From there I decided to clean up my act and make a change.

Lovingly Kate before and after - loosing 30 kilos

What is your approach to balance & moderation in life?
I think balance and moderation is so important, and healthy. Food is ultimately fuel, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy it. When I was trying to lose weight and get healthy, I was a bit more strict on what I ate. Now, I will have takeaways if I feel like it, but the difference is that I’m more aware. There is balance in my life. Sure, I’ll eat Burger King if I want, but the next morning I’ll be up with my smoothie and plan a run for that evening. It’s important to make sure your life is a happy one, and making educated choices definitely helps.

What is your favourite form of exercise to do?
My go to seems to be running. While it’s not the easiest form of exercise, it’s definitely the one I can think less about so when I want to be active, generally I’ll go for a run. I do enjoy weights though, and boxing so I’ve been trying to add a bit more of those into my workouts. As long as there is music, I’m happy. I find that my workouts are a lot more intense and enjoyable when I’ve got some music pumping in the background.

What is your most memorable moment on this journey?
Ahh, so many! As it has been a very slow and gradual process, there have been lots of moments where I’ve been super happy and proud of myself. I took photos as I was going, and every time I made a “Before and After” I couldn’t believe how far I’d gone. The same with comparing my measurements. Being able to fit a Size 10 dress was definitely one of the most memorable though. I can just remember struggling into a Size 16 and being a bit unhappy with what I saw in the mirror, so to be able to go into a regular store and grab one of the smaller sizes.. That was pretty amazing.

lovingly kate looking happy after leg day

What is your favourite healthy food/recipe?
Oh my gosh. I have no idea. I’m the worst cook (well, I’m not that bad but I really don’t like doing it) so I just cook what I can and try and make sure it’s as healthy as possible. I never thought I’d say this, but I really do enjoy salads. I love that you can totally change them up and make it work with whatever you have in the fridge. I’ve also become a big fan of smoothies, and again, it can be pretty fun to try out different combinations. 

What is your number one tip for those who want to live a healthier life?
Just do it. I know, easier said than done. But once you start, I promise it isn’t as hard as you might think. Take a look at your life and figure out what you can tweak and change to make it a bit healthier. Look up healthy alternatives for your favourite meals. Go and splurge on some new walking/running shoes and just start being active three times a week. It’s the little things that count, and once you start seeing the difference and how much better you feel, you’ll want to keep going.

What are your favourite healthy living blogs/websites or tools?
To be honest, Pinterest is probably my go to. It is just full of amazing recipes, work outs and motivational quotes – basically your one stop shop! [Seriously if you’re not on Pinterest, why not?] You can discover heaps of great blogs and bloggers from all over the world. I also love Nicola from Eat Well NZ (previously interviewed here!), Danijela from Healthy Always and of course you, Amanda! [Naww, thanks!]

Thanks so much for sharing your story Kate! I love how honest you are about the fact that you do sometimes eat takeaways and that you’re not the best cook, however you make it all work and look at how far you have come!  I also love that it has been a slow and steady progress for you which definitely makes it more sustainable and much more of a lifestyle change rather than just for weight loss. 

You can find Kate in the following places:

On Her Blog
On her facebook page


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13 thoughts on “Inspiring People Interview: Kate from Lovingly, Kate

  1. Wow so inspiring! For me it has always been about moderation. Whenever I get heavier than I wanted, I went back to strict moderation. Now in my mid-forties that isn’t enough by itself and I have to add in some exercise. Kate’s story is amazing!

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