Next in the series of Inspiring People we have Emma G.
Emma is a musician who’s life revolves around music and fitness among other things. Emma G has tried many different things and has found what works for her – and in the process she lost 22kg!
My name is Emma G, I’m 25 from Auckland, New Zealand, and work as a musician, rock singer for my band Static Era, music teacher and youth empowerment coordinator – I’m not very good at NOT doing something! I’ve never really been good at stating what my passions are, because that implies that they are just hobbies. They’re not. My LIFE revolves around music, fitness and doing everything I can to contribute to making this world a rad world. I’m relatively new to fitness, but having lost 22kg in the last year, I’m definitely addicted, and will never go back to who I used to be!
Tell me about your journey to living a healthy lifestyle?
In October 2012, my long term partner and I parted ways, and it hit me big time. I realised, however, that while the situation sucked, I needed to work on myself before I could look at moving forward professionally and personally. So began my interest in diet and exercise.
My whole life I’d been prescribed this workout, or told to eat that way, but I realised (and I know that this sounds horrible) but half of the people telling me these things either a) hadn’t done comprehensive studies themselves, or b) were basing their knowledge on the typical European body and lifestyle. Hailing from Fiji, Iran, Norway, America AND New Zealand, a lot of these workouts and eating styles just didn’t suit me. Despite being told to run for half an hour on the treadmill and keep my weights light, I found it better for me to increase my weights to HEAVY and make sure I really sweat between sets – that way, running became the “break” in my routine, not the weight training.
It’s all about experimenting and figuring out what’s right for your body. I do not believe that one thing works for everyone. If it did, we’d all be size two and skinny – I’m not. I’m size 8 (NZ – or 4 USA) and muscular. So over the year, I dabbled in cross-training, zumba, weightlifting and cardio, as well as trialling different eating habits – even calorie counting, which – seriously – in my opinion is the shittiest way to eat ever.
After losing my initial 16kg – painstakingly, but no matter – I met a new guy who was a complete fitness guru. What I didn’t realize however, was that he ate KFC like a trooper and, similar to my European vs Fijian argument, had a completely different body makeup to mine. So while he was busy taking selfies in the gym mirror (you think I’m kidding), I’d be sweating my ass off and still not getting the results I wanted. Typical story; he’d blame me for my weight gain, and I got really unhappy really quickly – both with him and with me.
Which is when I discovered crossfit, and paleo eating. Now, I KNOW the old “the first rule about crossfit is you tell everyone about crossfit” joke, and normally I agree. But like I said before, experimenting and finding what’s right for YOU and YOUR BODY is key. For me, it’s now no longer about getting skinny and starving myself; it’s about getting stronger and looking after myself. An all-round body workout and feeding myself nutritious meals without processed ingredients – can’t be bad for you!
As a result, I’ve now lost 22kg, and competed in my FIRST ever long distance running race – okay, only 8.4km for Round the Bridges here in Auckland, but it’s a start! Then last month, I pushed myself further and did Tough Mudder. Absolutely AMAZING experience, and I’ve already signed up to do next year! It’s now just a matter of pushing myself further and reaching for the best that I can be!
What’s your approach to balance & moderation in life (and/or food)
Living predominantly paleo has been my biggest thing. It’s all about the 80/20 rule – 80% food and 20% exercise. Though if I don’t do SOME form of exercise a day, I go crazy. I need that to get oxygen in my lungs and feel ok! So I like to embrace everything active and fun – if life’s not fun, change it!
What is your favourite form of exercise?
Besides crossfit, I’m a singer for a hard rock group “Static Era”. As the singer, it’s my job to jump around on stage and dance like a crazy person – that’s definitely my favourite exercise!! But I also love going for hikes and long walks. We’re really lucky in NZ to have such beautiful landscapes, so going for mountain walks and treks is awesome.
What is your favourite healthy food/recipe?
There’s SO MANY!!! But my favourite (which are two of the simplest things in the world haha) are paleo pancakes (1 banana, 2 eggs and cinnamon to taste), and paleo tacos – where you swap the taco shell for cos lettuce. So yummy and so healthy.
What is your number one tip for those who want to live a healthier life?
The only thing between you and your goal is you. No matter how slow you go; you’re still doing laps around everyone on the couch! And, probably my favourite; at the end of the day, when you look in the mirror; THAT is your competition. No one else.
What is one piece of workout equipment/tool that you swear by?
Yourself! That way there’s no excuses! You can do exercise anywhere, as long as you’re there! Pressups, box jumps onto picnic benches, burpees, squats, handstand push ups, V snaps, lunges, sprints, mountain climbs… there’s so much you can do with just you.
What are your favourite healthy living blogs/websites or tools?
To be honest, I’m not even sure! I like the ultimate paleo guide, and the paleo network, but I keep inspired by things I stumble across on twitter or on Facebook… and by my trainers!
What is your long term health/fitness goal?
It’s not a very measurable goal, but to be the best I can! Next year’s Tough Mudder, I’d like to finish in under 2hours. That’s definitely achievable.
Thank you so much Emma! A fantastic story about how you need to find what is right for YOU!
You can find Emma in the following places:
Static Era Website
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Nicole Joy – Why it is perfectly acceptable to eat desert for Breakfast
Lucia Oles – Optimum Nutrition Sponsored Fitness Competitor
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