I’m no Beauty Blogger….

My alternative title for this blog post was ‘my escapades in attempting to be a better female’. You see I’ve never really been one for makeup, manicures, tanning and other such girly things. It’s not because I don’t like those things, it’s more that I don’t really know what to do and have found other things to fill my time with.

I have never had a tan, ex-foliated, had a wax or properly epilated before (and I’m not even sure if epilated is the right word to use as the spell check underlines it!). I have had a grand total of two manicures in my whole life and managed to ruin one of them while paying for it, the second was a gel polish which I actually really liked.

I'm no beauty blogger - my escapades in attempting to be more feminine

Now that you know that I am not the best at doing ‘female orientated activities’ I’m sure you’d love to know how I got on attempting to be a better female… I put four beauty related activities to the test to see how I got on!

I'm no beauty blogger - Eco Tan

// Tan
My views of fake tans are not great to be honest, of course there are tonnes which are done amazingly but my recollection of fake tans is of my friends being incredibly orange, or the tanner used at bodybuilding competitions – not exactly a natural looking tan. I tried out the Eco Tan winter skin and was promised that is was super easy and anybody could do it. I do like that Eco Tan is all natural and organic so you don’t have weird substances leaching in to your body! I was pleasantly surprised by the smell of Winter Skin as I had a feeling that all tanning products would smell terrible and this wasn’t the case, it was also as easy as putting on moisturiser to use – my kind of product!

I'm no beauty blogger - Jamberry Nails Review

// Nails
I mentioned above that I have had two manicures in my life, I have probably tried to do my own nails less than 5 times in my life and they have all been pretty miserable attempts. I was sent some of the new Jamberry stick on nails which have been floating around the internet lately as they are due to come to NZ in October (I think?). I must admit I thought it would be super easy to use and thought this might be the answer I’ve been looking for – something super easy which stays on for ages. Turns out doing them by yourself and attempting to cut the excess off with your left hand and scissors isn’t actually that much fun. If you looked from afar my nails looked kind of cool, if you looked up close they were a bit embarrassing! I will however give these another try as they did stay on well so it may be more to do with my average application skills.

I'm no beauty blogger - Exfoliating Gloves

// Exfoliating
To be honest I think Kyle has exfoliated more in his life than I ever have (due to competing in body building competitions and needing to get tanned up). I don’t completely understand why you need to exfoliate but I do know that you need to do it before you apply fake tan and to pay special attention to areas like your knees as I believe this helps make the tan stick properly or something? I know I’ve seen photo’s of knees, ankles and hands looking super patchy due to not exfoliating enough. I actually don’t mind exfoliating as it means I get to spend more time in the shower and I love me a hot shower!

I'm no beauty blogger - Epilator

// Epilator
I thought it would be a great idea to give the Remington Smooth & Silky® All-In-One Wet/Dry Epilator a try. I thought I had used an epilator before (many years ago) but it had always left a lot of hair behind so I gave up on it pretty quickly. I’ve now learnt that epilators are not a walk in the park, and I like to think I have a pretty high pain threshold! Turns out having an epilator ripping hairs off your legs isn’t actually the most fun I’ve ever had. For the sake of research I did give the epilator another chance and I did manage to last a lot longer than the first time around. The epilator is definitely something I need to get used too as it does get easier after a few uses and I believe the hair growth is supposed to be dramatically slowed compared with using a razor – it has something to do with ripping the hair right out at the roots.

How do you fare with the above beauty practices?? – Are there any other things you think I need to give a go?? – Comment below and let me know! 

2 thoughts on “I’m no Beauty Blogger….

  1. Well as you know I’m a beauty blogger, but epilating is too much even for me. Hurts like hell! I haven’t tried Jamberry but I’ve tried similar products and found them way harder to use than normal nail polish.

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