As I mentioned last week, we have gone unconditional on our first home and currently have a long wait before settlement as there is currently a tenant in place. This long wait gives us plenty of time to think about exactly how we want to decorate our house, which means I have been spending quite a bit of time on pinterest.
One of the things we are really looking forward to is having our own office, between my blogging, our Bootcamp business and my Scentsy business we really do need a set space for the office. A space we can go and do our work and then close the door and forget about when it is our time to chill and spend with each other.
Being that neither of us have ever redecorated a house, this is going to be fun and I’m sure frustrating! We will be working to a tight budget and wanting to maximise space as much as we can as our house is quite small compared to modern houses. The office will need to house both of us easily enough and I would love to be able to have a permanent space set up for taking photographs for the blog and be able to easily spread out when I want to do some scrapbooking – which I haven’t done in such a long time due to lack of space.
I am quite messy when I work and like to spread out a lot so big desks have always been my cup of tea but I’d also like to try and keep everything as tidy as possible so there isn’t clutter everywhere. The older I get the more clutter annoys me, having clutter around the house seems to stress me out and I want to reduce stress as much as possible – it’s part of the reason we moved back to Wanganui!
We have been talking colours for the house and are thinking we will go with a shade of white or a light grey for most of the place and then use feature walls and furniture to brighten the rooms up. We both quite like the aesthetic of black or dark grey rooms but know that they will make our already small rooms seem like shoe boxes.
Here is some of the inspiration I have found so far…

Most of the things we have looked at so far are simply just for ideas, where the colour combination will be decided when we actually get into the house. There are so many options and so many things to think about!
Would you prefer a neutral colour scheme or a bright / pastel colour scheme for an office?
I am currently VERY SLOWLY overhauling my home office. It’s a mess and I cannot wait until it’s my beautiful little blogging sanctuary! I have a heap of Pinterest ideas too haha.
Very excited for you – getting to start with a blank slate – how awesome!!
I am becoming very minimalist which scares my husband but he’s just gonna have to trust me haha.
I love the lego man!! So cool. My home office is neutrals and I have a notice board with lots of bright things on it. Prefer it a little neutral for a peaceful effect