Healthier No Bake Lemon Coconut Cheesecake [Win $50 Organic & Raw Chelsea Prize Pack]

One of my favourite deserts is a cheesecake, while the decadent sounding ones like baileys and chocolate or peanut butter chocolate always sound delicious I always find they are a bit too sweet by the time you get to the last bite so often I end up with a nice plain Lemon Cheesecake on those occasions I do indulge.

There is something about the combination of both sweet and sour that makes a lemon cheesecake super delicious as well as slightly refreshing and I find I don’t feel as sluggish after any sweet treat with lemons as well.

I decided to make a healthier no bake lemon coconut cheesecake because lemon is the bomb and I also have a fondness for coconut! I went for a no bake cheesecake simply for the fact that I am lazy and didn’t want the process to take that long as I had lots of other things to get done the weekend I made this healthier no bake lemon coconut cheesecake!

Healthier Lemon Coconut Cheesecake

If you prefer a sweeter cheesecake rather than a tart cheesecake then I suggest you double the Chelsea Organic Coconut Sugar which is used in the filling and keep the same amount for the base as the base is already relatively sweet. I really liked the texture of this cheesecake, it was almost a cross between a traditional cheesecake and a mousse, and it kept its shape really well and was the perfect amount of sweetness and tartness.


140 Grams Ground Almonds
50 Grams desiccated Coconut
50 Grams Butter
3 Tablespoons Chelsea Organic Coconut Sugar
2 Teaspoons Gelatine
350ml Boiling Water
Juice of 2 Medium Lemons
Zest of 1 Medium Lemon
500 Grams Cream Cheese

Healthier No Bake Lemon Coconut Cheesecake


  1. Add the boiling water, gelatine & 2 Tablespoons of Chelsea Organic Coconut Sugar to a bowl and allow to cool a little while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Combine the Almond Flour, Coconut, 1 Tablespoon of Chelsea Organic Coconut Sugar and the Butter in a bowl (or your food processor).
  3. Press into your greased cheesecake tin.
  4. Add the Cream Cheese, Lemon Juice & Lemon Zest to a bowl (or your food processor) and combine.
  5. Slowly add the boiling water mixture to the cream cheese mixture and combine.
  6. Pour the mixture over the base.
  7. Sprinkle some coconut chips or desiccated coconut over the top. (Optional)
  8. Pop in the freezer for a couple of hours to set.
  9. Pull out of the freezer and slice and store in the refrigerator.

**** WIN ****

We have one  $50 Prizepack of Raw & Organic products from Chelsea to give away to one lucky reader! To be in to win simply: Comment below & let me know what your favourite flavour cheesecake is!  Closes 8pm 7th November 2015. For a bonus entry share this page using the share buttons on the left hand side bar 🙂

Congratulations Anna McTaggart!

What are you waiting for, give this healthier no bake lemon coconut cheesecake a crack next time you’re in the kitchen! Or check out more delicious recipes for those treats over at the Chelsea Website. 

42 thoughts on “Healthier No Bake Lemon Coconut Cheesecake [Win $50 Organic & Raw Chelsea Prize Pack]

  1. I loved mixed berries cheesecakes but very keen to try this recipes, it sounds divine and simple to make 🙂

  2. Mmmmmm cheesecake. At one time, I used to consider cheesecake a food group. Raspberry is my go to. If I can’t get raspberry, its passionfruit. Hell. Any cheesecake. I’m there.

  3. I love the NY Baked Cheesecake!! So worth the effort to make but i totally agree with you when time is of the essence a quick no bake will have to do!!

  4. Sounds amazing! My fav cheesecake is anything chocolately usually. I think I’ll have to give this one a go

  5. My mum makes the best berry cheesecake with a gingerbread base. I basically love any and all cheesecakes though, they are the best dessert ever!!! I want to try either a caramel or lemon cheesecake for the family Christmas dinner this year.

  6. Baked white chocolate and raspberry Cheescake… not exactly healthy but a yummy treat 🙂

  7. I love coconut, and Lemon…yumm! Will have to try this recipe. Thank you for shearing this Amanda 😀

  8. A mixed berry cheesecake is my absolute favourite & every other flavour comes a close second.

  9. i love cheesecake, it’s so hard to pick a favourite flavor. Really enjoyed the pineapple and coconut one I had awhile back. I think I’ll go with raspberry and white chocolate though.

  10. Oh my god, Amanda. This looks AMAZING!! Definitely something I want to show Ricky so we can make it asap. Hahaha 😛 Thank you so much for sharing!
    My favourite flavour cheesecake is passionfruit! AHH LOVE IT SO MUCH

  11. I luuurrrvvveee lemon cheesecake so I’m adding these ingredients to my next shopping list ASAP! Will leave a comment with how the taste test stacks up. 😊

  12. I luuurrrvvveee lemon cheesecake so will be adding these ingredients to my shopping list ASAP! Will let you know how the taste test goes 😊

  13. Yum this recipe is perfect! I love anything lemon, so to have a healthier version of cheesecake is a dream come true! Can’t wait to try it 🙂

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