Leah Tagged me in this Handwritting Meme (yes I wrote the word everyone uses but have no idea what it actually means, can someone shed any light on it?)
I’d seen it floating around cyberspace a bit and wondered if it would reach me, how exciting!
Here we go,
1. My name/blog name – Amanda / In Her Mind
2. Blog URL www.highheelsonline.co.nz/blog (Need to get a seperate one)
3. Write “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy (brown) dog.” I also agree that the second brown does not belong there.
4. Your favourite quote. – “Twenty years from now you will be more dissapointed in the things you didn’t do than the ones you did do. Explore, Dream, Discover.” Mark Twain.
5. I honestly don’t have a favourite song, although at the moment I’m loving the tempo of Circle the Drain – Katy Perry.
6. Music you like right now – Anything and everything.
7. Anything you want to say about your handwriting? – It changes all the time.
8. Three Bloggers you want to do this meme (?) – Stef, Natasha, Kristyn
I just sent you tweets then I was like oooh I think this is meant to be a secret! Your handwriting is lovely
I’ll get onto mine soon! Thanks for tagging me 
Nah It’s not a secret so don’t worry! Thats one version out of about 60 of my writting and the rest are horrid and unreadable!
the word everyone uses but no one is sure of the meaning – meme?
i went and looked it up when i did the regional dialect meme.
it seems its a stream of ideas that flow around one from person to another or in our blogging world, its an idea or a subject that we all latch on to and complete and send to others to complete as well.
so …. are you going to join the regional dialect meme??
(p.s. i like the way your Z’s look)
Thanks so much, I was way too lazy to look up what it actually mean’t! I does make sense though!
Hmmm I’ve seen the Regional Dialect meme and thought I was too lazy to do a video, but I might give it a go next week maybe!
Thanks, I’m not sure why I write my Z’s like that, I also do weird 8’s