The Gym that is, I don’t want to get rid of all my actual curves Just some of them!
So it sounds a bit contradictory that I have finally cancelled my Curves membership then doesn’t it?!
I enjoyed the fact that it was nice and easy to go straight to Curves after work hop straight in the circuit and 30minutes later be walking out the door and heading home!
Curves did work, no doubt about it. I may not have lost many kilo’s but I lost a lot of centimetres from all over. So if you don’t mind paying for it ($69 per month – in Wanganui anyway, could be dearer in other cities) it does the trick.
The annoying factors for me were;
– Number 1; Cost – $828 per year – I can get a gold membership at another gym in town that includes all classes for around $550
– Number 2; Can’t change the routine – I get bored easily, surprisingly I lasted nearly a year. Curves is a circuit so even though you can start in a different place each time and do different exercises on the recovery board it did get a bit monotonous.
– Number 3; Not having treadmills or being able to go to classes for free. Big down side for me, being able to go to the occasional class would be awesome, and those days like the past couple of weeks where we have had crazy cold snaps – a treadmill would have been awesome!
– Number 4; Opening Hours – Curves is only open till 7pm during the week, 6pm on Fridays and 11.30am on Saturdays – closed Sundays. Other Gyms in town seem to be open till 8 or 9pm every night and open decent hours on weekends.
I was intrigued to see how easy (or not) it would be to cancel the membership as they made it sound incredibly easy when I signed up (I bet they all do!)
The Result…
Very easy to cancel, she was so kind it made me feel bad! I just had to go to my bank and tell them to let my next AP through and then cancel the ones after that, then just drop in something in writing and pay my get out fee that was in the contract $50. I was reminded that once you have paid the Curves joining fee you are a member for life so I can go back at any time without having to pay the joining fee again and then told they were sorry to see me go and to remember I can still use the gym for the next month!
Have you ever cancelled a gym membership? How did it go?
It sounds like you got the best you could of our of curves, and are ready to move on! Perfect timing to end your membership
Curves definitely suited you when you were trying to make exercise part of your daily routine – but now that you have that nailed, bring on the FUN part of gymming – treadmills and classes yes!
I have joined and cancelled mememberships at about 7 different gyms in my little lifetime haha! (Clive Green, Contours, Uni Gym etc) but in the end it was Les Mills that I ended up sticking with – in both Auckland and Wellington. They made it super easy to transfer citys and even though they are a big shiny gym (which normally I would be scared of going to) – for some reason they keep you coming back – which is a good thing! I definitely recommend asking for a two week trial at any new gyms you try, and shop around until you find one that has the classes and machines you like, and the opening hours too!!!
I have once for me and made the BF cancel his once too. I was a little bit tricked because I just assumed that you signed up for one year, and after that the payments would stop automatically. I didn’t realise that the boyfriend was still paying for his membership a year after he stopped going! Such a waste of $800 odd! They were fairly good with his once he decided to cancel it and just needed him to send an email to confirm it. He had to pay for another month , but it sounds like that’s pretty standard.
Mine was a bit more tricky, but that might have just been because I was only about 16 at the time and didn’t really know what to do. I tried to go in to the gym to cancel it, and was referred to the bank who referred me back to the gym?! I can’t remember what happened in the end, but I’m not paying for it now so it must’ve worked out!
I’m currently at the same gym that the BF was at so I imagine if I was to cancel, it’d be the same process to cancel. I only signed up for four months but this time I know it’ll keep going till I cancel it! haha