So I had my first monthly weigh and measure today, they do it every month at curves which is kinda good if it were weekly or something I would be dissapointed all the time. (This might be standard across gyms I have no idea).
So my weight hasn’t changed, but that doesn’t really surprise me. My thighs, arms and body fat are pretty much the same. Boo I was hoping to get rid of some of these thighs especially with all the running/walkinng but oh well it is early days!
Apparently I have lost 2.5cm off my boobs, completely not true though most of this is to do with the fact that I had a push up kind of bra on when I was first weighed as I wasn’t going to be exercising, I now own sports bras which make me look a lot smaller, so a lot of that loss is just due to the bra. (I HOPE) My boobs are actually something I like about my body and the extra fat i’ve gained over the past couple of years making them a bit bigger hasn’t had me complaining.
Now the biggest one is that I’ve lost 1.5cm off my hips, hurrah! A tiny bit could be the fact that I used to always wear a singlet under my t-shirt and now I don’t bother at the gym, but still do when running, but I doubt it would be 1.5cm worth so I am going to take that!
My goal is to loose about 10kg but I don’t know how realistic that is, my main overall goals are to drop back to a size 8, a 6 would be nice but I don’t think i’ll ever be that kind of weight my bodies just not made to be that size I don’t think and to complete a half marathon at some point over the next year or so.
In other news I purchased scales and I can’t get them to work, blonde moment maybe I’m not sure? Maybe the batteries are duds, I will look into this over the weekend!
^ Obviously not me, I just thought this post would be boring without a pic
Is that like a scale-image of your body measurements? That’s awesome! Maybe I should join Curves
Nah that was a random pic I found on the internet. But I do like curves so far, I’ve only been there a month. The only thing I don’t like is that they don’t have classes, like spin, zumba etc but other gyms around town don’t include that in the price either unless you pay mega bucks so I am going to start going to a class or two a week at other gyms I think, proberly one spin one zumba. Even though I vowed I would never go back to spin, aparently its amazing for your body!