Exercise for week ended 27th March

Monday; 3/4 Indoor Netball Game
Tuesday; 30mins at the gym, 10mins on Spin Bike (Intended on doing 30 but my legs wouldn’t do any more)
Wednesday; 30 mins at gym, Twilight Netball
Thursday; 30 mins at the gym, 4.7km Run/Walk (I’m having leg issues, was too painful to run so walked after about halfway)
Friday; Nothing
Saturday; 1.5km short walk
Sunday; 8km walk

I’m not really sure what it is with my legs, they don’t like me though. I think part of it is from playing netball and all the jumping that is involved, only one week of twilight and two weeks of indoor anyway.

I have my exercise plan all written between now and the end of April so heres hoping the legs fix themselves and don’t give me any more trouble as I really want to run a bit between now and then so I can do under 55mins for the 10km in Rotorua on the 30th April.

What exercise did you do this week? Are you training for anything?