Monday; 40mins of Netball
Tuesday; 5kmish Walk, 30mins at gym, 3kmish walk including up stairs.
Wednesday; 30mins at gym, 3/4 game Netball
Thursday; 5kmish Walk
Friday; Nothing
Saturday; 6km ish walk + 2kmish walk.
Sunday; Nothing
So only 2 days at the gym which is bad, and the nothing on Friday and Sunday I would like to replace these with at least a short walk or something. But at least now I feel bad when I don’t exercise so I think I am becoming a changed women.
I’ve also started using myfitnesspal it’s free and you can track your food and exercise on it.
I’ve found it really useful for seeing the amount of calories in everyday foods and knowing that I need to track everything I eat I don’t run for that big cookie/easter egg or chippies as fast as I used to. I am starting to make a more conscious effort of what I eat. If you havn’t tried it already give it a go, it’s free!
Have you found any foods with few calories that are tasty and filling??
myfitnesspal is AWESOME! I’ve been neglecting it a bit lately but I love having it on hand. I think that when you are educated on what you’re really putting in your mouth, your desire for calorie laden crap really seems to dissipate! I should really start getting onto that more again!
I feel bad when I don’t exercise too! Now that’s progress!! It’s become more of a daily routine than a special occasion which I love
You’re doing really great!
I definately agree that it makes you think twice about what you eat! Last night I reached for chocolates, but looked at how many calories were in it first, I had some calories left over so ate two of the chocolates, before MFP I would have eaten 8-10 of them easy, and I don’t think I would have had them last night if i’d already eaten all my calories.
I love the feeling after exercising now its awesome and noone can take that away from us!