Exercise for the week ended 20th Feb 2011

Monday; 30 mins at the gym, 3/4 game of Indoor Netball (Both things 1 leg is really hurting so am a bit worried about the rest of the week training for the Round the Bays).
Tuesday; Nothing (Sore leg)
Wednesday; Same as Tuesday (Mega cool)
Thursday; 4.7km Walk (Leg still sore, awesome)
Friday; Nothing (am lazy)
Saturday; A bit of walking around wellington
Sunday; Round the Bays 7km Run – Nearly died, I thought I was going to faint or be sick the last km, and I’m not believing Nike+ again as it told me it was 8.17km, but managed to finish without stopping with a time of 37.37 🙂

Congrats to everyone who completed the Round the Bays this weekend! The heat made it even harder than I was expecting, but it was a really good event and I can’t wait to do the Round the Vines in March now!!

How did your run go?? Are you planning on doing it next year?