Monday; Nil – worked 11 hours seriously could not be bothered.
Tuesday; 30 mins at the gym – first time in ages!, 2kmish walk after work.
Wednesday; 30 mins at the gym, 6km walk
Thursday; 30 mins at the gym
Friday; 30 mins at the gym
Saturday; Not a lot
Sunday; Hangover day
If you notice there is a couple of weeks missing its because I worked in Auckland and didn’t do a lot to be honest, we had long days so really couldn’t be bothered. I did a few exercises in my room one night after reading Australian Womens Health and we walked to get dinner every night, up and down queen street #fail.
Im trying to fit as much exercise as I can during this christmas period before I go on holidays. I find it helps to balance out all the eating that I am doing at the moment!
Love Ms Stef
Don’t worry luv, I havent managed to do any exercise while working these sucky late shifts! In saying that, I’ve still managed to lose weight! But not as much as I could of. Still, some is better than none
@Miss Stef – happy bday for the other day btw!! Yeah I was trying to be good this week and get back on track to balance all the eating, not sure if it has been enough or not though!
@Kristyn Wow yay for the weight loss, some is better than none or putting it on, i’ve been stable the last couple of months but have lost a few cm in the hips since I started going to the gym and a couple off the thighs, hurrah!