Some of you may have seen this recipe floating around facebook, the original recipe was featured on Chocolate Covered Katie and is written by Nutritionist in the Kitch. Which evidently looks as though it was adapted from a recipe on Fitsugar (Phew, long list of credits there!)
While mine didn’t look quiet as perfect as the above picture it was pretty darn tasty and the whole tray has dissapeared pretty quickly! I was tempted to amend some of the ingredients but decided to leave it as it was for the first attempt and next time around I will make some subtle changes and see how it goes.
The title calls it a clean chocolate slice which will obviously alter depending on your version of clean, while it is certainly not low calorie thanks to the peanut butter and honey all the ingredients are pretty good and healthy (in reasonable quantities of course). I believe it is also a vegan chocolate slice with the exception of the honey which can be replaced with agave necter (not sure where we can get that in NZ).
By the time I discovered the recipe the ingredient list had been amended to the following;
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup almonds
1/4 cup walnuts
1/4 cup cocoa powder
2 Ripe Banana’s
4 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1/4 Cup Cocoa Power
4 Tbsp Honey
All you do is blend together all the ingredients for the base (I used half a cup of raisins and half a cup of dates) and then press into a baking tray.
Then you blend all the ingredients for the top and spread on top of the base that’s just been put in the baking tray.
Now pop the whole lot in the freezer and proceed to lick the bowl, be careful when licking the blades from the food processor – Not that I advocate doing this, use your fingers instead
I was impatient and tried eating it after an hour or so and it was tasty but the top hadn’t set yet. The next morning we checked it and the top had set and it was pretty awesome! We kept it in the freezer and just cut off bits when we were hungry, either eating it straight away which was very cold or letting it sit for a couple minutes to defrost a little.
I WILL be making this recipe again! Unlike the Lemon protein slice I attemped to make after following a recipe, that was a huge disaster! Next time around I will play with doing a lot less honey, I don’t think it was necessary and maybe some chocolate protein powder to bump up the protien content.
Have you tried this slice?
Do you have a clean slice recipe?
You can buy Organic Blue Agave Nectar from Bin Inn in NZ
You can also replace the peanut butter with Cacao Butter and the Cocoa with Cacao – you can buy all of these from Bin Inn as well.
I didn’t even think of bin inn for these kind of speciality foods, no idea why though! Thank you, I’ll have to find out where my closest one is
I have been using agave syrup for a while now, it get form any organic shop in New Plymouth. I think you would need to use less than the honey amount stated as Agave is seriously sweet.
I have since found it at a bulk food store, although haven’t purchased it yet. It’s good to know that it’s quiet sweet though, would be good to have an alternative to the honey! I might even be able to increase the peanut butter then